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A description of mercury in fishes from the Madeira River Basin, Amazon, Brazil Acta Amazonica
Bastos,Wanderley Rodrigues; Rebelo,Mauro de Freitas; Fonseca,Márlon de Freitas; Almeida,Ronaldo de; Malm,Olaf.
Over the last 20 years several projects carried on the Madeira River basin in the Amazon produced a great amount data on total Hg concentration in different fish species. In this paper we discuss temporal trends in Hg contamination and its relation to body weight in some of those fishes, showing that even within similar groups, such as carnivorous and non-migratory fish, the interspecies variability in Hg accumulation is considerable.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fish; Mercury; Biomagnification; Madeira River; Amazon.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Mercury distribution in different tissues and trophic levels of fish from a tropical reservoir, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Kasper,Daniele; Palermo,Elisabete Fernandes Albuquerque; Dias,Ana Carolina Monteiro Iozzi; Ferreira,Gustavo Luiz; Leitão,Rafael Pereira; Branco,Christina Wyss Castelo; Malm,Olaf.
Concentrations of organic (OrgHg) and inorganic mercury (InorgHg) were assessed in different fish tissues (liver, muscle, kidney, gut and gonads) and trophic levels collected in an impacted tropical reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Organic mercury concentrations in muscle were remarkably higher in the carnivorous species Hoplias malabaricus and Oligosarcus hepsetus. The ratios of OrgHg in relation to total mercury (%OrgHg) in muscle also varied according to the species trophic level: 93% for carnivores, 84% for omnivores, 73% for algivores/planktivores and 58% for detritivores. The %OrgHg in the gut tissue of carnivores (78%) was much higher than that found in omnivores (30%), possibly reflecting a process of trophic biomagnification in the reservoir. On...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feeding habits; Hydroelectric; Mercury species; Biomagnification; Bioaccumulation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Mercury concentration in the freshwater bonefish Cyphocharax gilbert (Curimatidae) and its parasite the crustacean Riggia paranensis (Cymothoidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Lins,Débora C.; Meirelles,Maria E.; Malm,Olaf; Lima,Neuza R. W..
Fish parasites can accumulate heavy metals reaching higher concentrations than the host and may affect the host's bioaccumulation. The present study compared total mercury concentration in the liver and muscle of Cyphocharax gilbert and in the parasite Riggia paranensis sampled in the middle Itabapoana River, Brazil, also considering the reproductive stages of both fish and parasite. Mean concentrations of mercury in muscle of fish varied from 20.8 ng.g-1 in mature females to 38.1 ng.g-1 in post-spawning females. The mean concentrations in fish liver varied from 60.9 ng/g in post-spawning females to 110.4 ng.g-1 in infested males. The mean concentration of mercury in parasites varied from 26.2 ng.g-1 in specimens carrying early embryo to 39.5 ng.g-1 in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heavy metal; Bioaccumulation; Parasitic castration; Reproduction.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Total mercury in the fish Trichiurus lepturus from a tropical estuary in relation to length, weight, and season Neotropical Ichthyology
Barbosa,Scheyla C. T; Costa,Monica F; Barletta,Mário; Dantas,David Valença; Kehrig,Helena A; Malm,Olaf.
The Goiana River Estuary (7º30'S 34º47'W) is a typical estuary of the semi-arid tropical regions. This estuary shelters a rich fauna of fish, crustaceans and mollusks which play an important role in the life of traditional populations. It is also the main recipient of the effluents from the sugarcane agro-industry and sewage from settlements and villages. Trichiurus lepturus (n = 104), from the Goiana Estuary were examined for total mercury contents during ten months (2005 to 2007) spaning two dry seasons and part of a rainy season. The studied individuals showed weight (W) (204.1±97.9 g) and total length (TL) (63.1±10.1 cm, range 29.5-89.0 cm) with a significant (p<0.05) correlation. Correlation between TL and Hg-T (r = 0.37286) and between W and Hg-T...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Estuarine fish; Mercury bioavailability; Risk assessment; Seasonal changes; Trichiuridae.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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