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Isotope and fatty acid trends along continental shelf depth gradients: Inshore versus offshore hydrological influences on benthic trophic functioning ArchiMer
Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Schaal, G.; Grall, J.; Pernet, Fabrice; Perdriau, M.; A-pernet, E. J.; Le Bris, H..
Anthropogenic activities and land-based inputs into the sea may influence the trophic structure and functioning of coastal and continental shelf ecosystems, despite the numerous opportunities and services the latter offer to humans and wildlife. In addition, hydrological structures and physical dynamics potentially influence the sources of organic matter (e.g., terrestrial versus marine, or fresh material versus detrital material) entering marine food webs. Understanding the significance of the processes that influence marine food webs and ecosystems (e.g., terrestrial inputs, physical dynamics) is crucially important because trophic dynamics are a vital part of ecosystem integrity. This can be achieved by identifying organic matter sources that enter food...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Comparative study of isotopic trends in two coastal ecosystems of North Biscay: A multitrophic spatial gradient approach ArchiMer
Mortillaro, J. M.; Schaal, G.; Grall, Jacques; Nerot, C.; Brind'Amour, Anik; Marchais, V.; Perdriau, M.; Le Bris, H..
In coastal estuarine embayments, retention of water masses due to coastal topography may result in an increased contribution of continental organic matter in food webs. However, in megatidal embayments, the effect of topography can be counterbalanced by the process of tidal mixing. Large amounts of continental organic matter are exported each year by rivers to the oceans. The fate of terrestrial organic matter in food webs of coastal areas and on neighboring coastal benthic communities was therefore evaluated, at multi-trophic levels, from primary producers to primary consumers and predators. Two coastal areas of the French Atlantic coast, differing in the contributions from their watershed, tidal range and aperture degree, were compared using carbon and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Brest; Bay of Vilaine; Benthic; Filter-feeders; Stable isotopes; Organic matter.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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