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Caractéristiques de dragues et pêcheries ArchiMer
Pitel, Mathilde; Berthou, Patrick; Fifas, Spyros.
Basically, a dredge is a bottom-towed gear and consists of a metal frame with a blade or teeth, to dig into the sediment and extract the shelled molluscs, and a mesh bag to collect the catch. Whereas hand dredging is observed on some intertidal beds (Donax trunculus in France), the use of dredge generally needs a fishing boat. There is a great diversity of dredge types, with specific designs used to target different species in particular beds: Manual dredges for Donax (Donax trunculus), Warty venus (Venus verrucosa) and clams (Venerupis pulastra, Ruditapes sp) Dredges for King scallops (Pecten maximus) Dredges for Warty venus (Venus verrucosa) Dredge for Queen scallops (black and white, Chlamys varia and Chlamys opercularia) Dredges for small...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Environmental impact; Spisula; Bittersweet palourdi; Fishing boat; Clam; Dredge; Brittany; Gestion; Impact environnemental; Spisula; Amande; Navire de pêche; Drague; Bretagne.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Histoire des engins et techniques de pêche ArchiMer
Beucher, Jean-paul; Deschamps, Gerard; Peronnet, Isabelle; Duhamel, Erwan; Barthelemy, Patricia.
L'homme a rapidement diversifié ses engins de pêche et on remarquera que les techniques alternatives qui sont actuellement pressenties pour remplacer le chalut prépondérant, sont des techniques très anciennes.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chalut; Senne; Filet; Casier; Drague; Pêche; Capture; Technique; Engin de pêche; Histoire; Evolution; Fishing; Capture; Technics; Fishing gear; History; Evolution.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, rapport 2002 ArchiMer
Talidec, Catherine; Berthou, Patrick; Peronnet, Isabelle; Guyader, Olivier; Daures, Fabienne; Thebaud, Olivier; Leblond, Emilie; Bermell, Sylvain.
This 2002 report is the progress report of a study co-financed by the Brittany region and IFREMER within the framework of the XII State-Regional Planning Contract. It follows the 2001 report, which contains a comprehensive description of the Breton fleet in 2000, i.e., all occupations included, as well as its evolution since 1983. The work carried out in 2002 focused on mapping the fishing zones frequented by Brittany's ships as well as on analysing fishing strategies.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Regional development; Cartography; Fleet; Breton fisheries; Brittany; Cartographie; CPER 2002; Peche bretonne; Flotte; Casier; Ligne; Drague; Palangre; Filet; Chalut.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Les campagnes d'évaluation du stock de coquilles Saint-Jacques en Manche orientale : méthodologie et estimation des indices d'abondance ArchiMer
Vigneau, Joel; Fifas, Spyros; Foucher, Eric.
The methodology used for obtaining absolute abundance indices for Eastern Channel scallop is described in this paper. For the survey (COMOR), stratified multi-stage random sampling is used. The number of sampled units is computed based on variance estimates from the last survey. Knowledge of gear (Brittany dredge with a diving plate) selectivity and efficiency parameters is required for estimating total exploitable biomass and absolute abundance indices by age and strata. Details of the mathematical development of all estimators are given. A non parametric bootstrap provides confidence intervals for all estimates.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel; Bay of Seine; Dredge; Pecten maximus; Scallop; Survey; Assessment; Manche orientale; Baie de Seine; Drague; Pecten maximus; Coquille Saint Jacques; Campagne; Evaluation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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