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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en Mer Celtique. Tome 1 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
The entire study is divised into three parts : Phase 1 - Collection of data and description of fisheries. Phase 2 - Diagnosis on the exploitation level for the main species. Phase 3 - Fleets analysis and simulation of the exploitation of the fishery. In addition to the description of the fisheries, in the first part, a very cheap method for the study of discards is described for all species and all fleets, the purpose being to use length cohorts analysis according to the JONES'method (1981). Preliminary works on monks, megrim and cuckoo ray are also presented.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard; Fleet; Demersal species; Celtic Sea; Rejet; Flottille; Espèce démersale; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Flottilles et pêches maritimes du sud du golfe de Gascogne (dans les quartiers de Noirmoutiers à Bayonne en 1986) ArchiMer
Leaute, Jean-pierre; Decamps, Philippe.
This document produce a description of the fishing fleet of the ports of South Bay of Biscay (French Atlantic Coast between Noirmoutier and Hendaye) in 1986, with the aid of statistical data on landings from officials markets or no. This is a first analysis on fishing boats, fishing gears and areas usings, and mean species.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South bay of Biscay; Fleet; Fishing; Sud golfe de Gascogne.; Flottille; Pêche.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Les pêches artisanales de la Manche Orientale. Flottilles et ressources halieutiques ArchiMer
Lemoine, Michel; Giret, Marc.
From Normandy to Belgium bordary, the coastal fishery became during the ten last years a significant social and economic actor, which mostly lives by predominant exploitation of Eastern Channel. Recently discovering a situation of resource overexploitation and a difficult cohabitation between "metiers", these coastal fleets are in the heart of various preoccupations of managment at regional, national and european levels. Since 1985, a coordinated programme (including Boulogne and Ouistreham) allowed to progress in the knowledge of complex fisheries through : improvement of statistics, characterisation of coastal fleets and their activity, asses-ment of the knowledge on the resources.This synthesis describes, for 1987-1988, the quality of the regional...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ressource halieutique; Manche Orientale; Flottille; Pêche artisanale; Eastern English Channel; Fleet; Artisanal fishing.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Synthèse des flottilles de pêche 2006 - Flotte Mer du Nord - Manche - Atlantique - Méditerranée ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Daures, Fabienne; Berthou, Patrick; Merrien, Claude; Pitel-roudaut, Mathilde; Bermell, Sylvain; Brigaudeau, Cecile; Planchot, Marie; Demaneche, Sebastien; Jezequel, Michele; Bodere, Erwan.
This document, which is the fifth edition of a series started in 2000, provides a global overview of the data collected in 2007 as part of the Fisheries Observatory of Ifremer. It includes a brief account of the activity and financial situation of the French fleets operating in the North Sea, English Channel, Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea in 2006 and updates the 2005 issue, which was published in 2006. The summary is intended for a wide audience. The document contains several fact sheets : • The first sheet provides a global description of the French national (excluding overseas) fishing fleet (North Sea - Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea), including vessel and crew characteristics. It also presents the evolution of the French fishing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche; Typologies; Flottille; Métier; Engin; Indicateurs d’activité; Indicateurs économiques; Mer du Nord; Manche; Atlantique; Méditerranée; France; Fishing sector; Typologies; Fishing fleet; Métier; Gear; Indicators of fishing activity; Economic indicators; North Sea; English Channel; Atlantic; Mediterranean Sea; France.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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La flottille artisanale française de Manche Ouest. Bilan des connaissances ArchiMer
Morizur, Yvon; Berthou, Patrick; Latrouite, Daniel; Veron, Gerard.
A survey made during 1986-1987 on the artisanal fleet of the artisanal fleet in Northern Brittany and Western part of Cotentin allowed to describe this fleet in term of activity and metiers. Catches are given by species and by type of fishing activity. The result permit to outline interactions between the various activities and exploited resources. A summary of knowledge on exploited species is given.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Flottille; Métiers; Typologie; Interactions; Expèces exploitées; Manche; Fleet; Metiers; Interactions; Exploited species; Channel.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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La dynamique des pêches côtières du pays bigouden ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
In the beginning, the coastal fleet of the Bigouden region fished by trawling and was completely focused on exploiting lobster and hake. It is a traditional business that expanded between the last war and the 70s, reaching its peak between 1975 and 1980. The best image to give an idea of this fleet is that of a "bucket waterwheel" endlessly discharging its catch in the four ports of the Guilvinec district. Where there is a seafaring business in Guilvinec, Loctudy and Saint-Guénolé, there is a complementarity that is expressed in two ways: - coastal fishing constitutes a very noticeable and regular supplement to production, since sales happen daily and only bad winter weather causes a relative decrease in the supplement. - coastal fishing gives a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Brittany; Data; Fishing zone; Fleet; Trawling; Commercial species; Costal fisheries; Finistere; Bretagne; Atlantique Nord Est; Golfe de Gascogne; Merluccius; Lophius; Pisces; Nephrops Norvegicus; Zone peche; Exploitation; Flottille; Chalut; Donnee; Espece commerciale; Peche cotiere.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude préalable à la gestion des stocks de crustacés en Bretagne ArchiMer
Autissier, Isabelle; Coum, Andrée; Cuillandre, Jean Pierre; Veron, Gerard; Latrouite, Daniel.
At the end of the seventies, as fishing abundance (based on Catch Per Unit Effort) in crabs and lobster fishery steadily declined, operating expenses increased, and fishing boats changed strategy (changing metiers, covering larger distance to fishing areas, fishing seasons being extended, ...) professionals and scientists aimed to consider reinforcing management measures. To enlighten and support potential related decisions, the Comité Régional des Pêches et Cultures Marines de Bretagne (Regional Committee for fishing and farming in Brittany), together with the ISTPM (Ifremer since 1984), conducted a survey on the exploited populations and gave a review of the involved Breton fleet. This report shows the results of a survey conducted among fishermen,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landings; Catch rates; Fishing area; Fishing effort; Fleet; Brittany; Edible crab; Lobster; Spider crab; Apport; Rendement; Zone de pêche; Effort de pêche; Flottille; Bretagne; Tourteau; Homard; Araignée.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Schéma de mise en valeur de la mer de la pointe du Raz à l'Odet ArchiMer
Talidec, Catherine.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantique Nord Est; Bretagne; Peche a Pied; Plaisance; Flottille; Peche professionnelle; Economic analysis; Recreative fishing; Fishing gear; Commercial species; Etuarine fisheries; Marine fisheries.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Synthese des activites des navires de peche par quartier maritime, 2005 ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Merrien, Claude; Berthou, Patrick; Demaneche, Sébastien; Rostiaux, Emilie.
This document is created within the framework of IFREMER's programme, "Information system, economy and diagnostics of the exploitation and evolution of resources". This programme brings together projects that have ambitions specific to each. The "Halieutic Information System" (SIH) has as its goal to build the observation network of halieutic resources and associated uses. It is mainly in charge of developing indicators about fishing fleets and their output in the form of summaries to the various actors in the fishing industry (from research to professionals and managers) and the public. This type of output is created thanks to the implementation of a standard methodology of monitoring the activities of ships, and to the existence since 2001 of a network...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing harbour; Fishing gear; Fishing zone; Metier; France; Administrative district; Fishing fleet; Fishing vessel; Port de pêche; Engins de capture; Zone de pêche; Metier; France; Quartier maritime; Flottille; Navire de pêche.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A fleet-metier based approach of the small scale fishing activity in the French West Indies ArchiMer
Guyader, Olivier; Reynal, Lionel; Demaneche, Sebastien; Berthou, Patrick; Daures, Fabienne.
The development of the ecosystemic approach for fisheries supposes to improve integrated analysis of fisheries by considering the biological as well as the socio-economic dimensions of the exploitation. A prerequisite for integrated analysis is the improvement in the knowledge of fleets structure, fleet evolution and allocation of fishing effort in the different fisheries. However, small scale fisheries are often characterized by a lack of knowledge on the vessel fishing activity. This paper first presents a data collection methodology recently applied in the French West (Guadeloupe and Martinique) for the follow up of the whole vessel population. Based on a statistical analysis of these data sets, the paper develops a fleet-metier matrix giving the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Flottille; Métiers; Activité; Petite pêche; Gestion des pêches; Fleet; Metiers; Fishing activity; Small scale fisheries; Fisheries management.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Scénarios d'aménagment des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, rapport 2003 ArchiMer
Talidec, Catherine; Daures, Fabienne; Leblond, Emilie; Lesueur, M.; Boude, J.p..
This document is the progress report, for the third year, of the research programme "Scenarios for Development of Fishing Activity in the Breton Coastal Strip". Co-financed by the Brittany Region within the framework of the XII State/Regional Planning Contract, this programme teams up scientific partners from IFREMER, ENSAR, and UBO (CEDEM). This report is made up of two parts: - The first part is dedicated to the synthesis of the fisheries of Mor Braz. It was a matter of approaching the whole of Mor Braz with the methodology used for the study of customs, resources and space in the Gulf of Morbihan. Following the presentation of fishing activities, the first results on the economic situation of the fleets are explained. - The second part is a legal and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Database; Ship survey; Licence; Fishing assessment; Fleet; Costal fishing; Brittany; Enquêtes; Bases de données; Navire; Licence; Étude juridique; Flottille; Golfe du Morbihan; Pêcheries cotières; Mor Braz; CPER; Pêche; Bretagne.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Synthèse des Pêcheries 2002 - Flotte mer du Nord-Manche-Atlantique ArchiMer
Berthou, Patrick; Daures, Fabienne; Merrien, Claude; Leblond, Emilie; Guyader, Olivier; Jezequel, Michele; Bermell, Sylvain.
The document synthesizes the data collected in 2002 and 2003 as part of the Fisheries monitoring system of Ifremer. It updates the description of the status in 2000 of the French fishing fleets operating in the North Sea, Channel and Atlantic (produced in 2002). The document is made of a series of leaflets. The first leaflet provides a global description of the overall population of fishing vessels. Information provided includes vessel and crew characteristics, spatial distribution of fishing activity and catch, and gears used. A description of fleets (sub-groups of vessels using the same gear combinations) is also provided at both national and regional levels. The following leaflets provide a detailed description of the fishing activity and economic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Atlantique; Manche; Mer du Nord; Indicateurs économiques; Indicateurs d'activité; Engin; Métier; Flottille; Typologies; Pêche; France; Atlantic; Channel; North Sea; Economic indicators; Indicators of fishing activity; Gear; Metier; Fishing fleet; Typologies; Fishing sector.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Synthèse des flottilles de pêche 2010. Flotte de Mer du Nord - Manche - Atlantique. Flotte de Méditerranée ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Daures, Fabienne; Berthou, Patrick; Merrien, Claude; Pitel-roudaut, Mathilde; Le Grand, Christelle; Demaneche, Sebastien; Jezequel, Michele; Bodere, Erwan; Le Blond, Samuel; Macher, Claire; Le Grand, Christelle.
This document, which is the eighth edition of a series started in 2000, provides a global overview of the data collected in 2011 as part of the Fisheries Observatory of Ifremer. It aims to present a summary of the activity and economic situation of the French fleets operating in the North Sea, English Channel, Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea in 2010. It updates the 2009 issue, which was published in 2011. This synthesis is intended for a wide audience. The document contains several fact sheets: • The first sheet provides a description of the French national fishing fleet (North Sea - Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, excluding overseas), including vessel and crew characteristics. It also presents the evolution of the French fishing fleet...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche; Typologies; Flottille; Métier; Engin; Indicateurs d’activité; Indicateurs économiques; Mer du Nord; Manche; Atlantique; Méditerranée; France.; Fishing sector; Typologies; Fishing fleet; Métier; Gear; Indicators of fishing activity; Economic indicators; North Sea; English Channel; Atlantic; Mediterranean Sea; France.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Les pêcheries françaises de Méditerranée. Synthèse des connaissances ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert.
This document presents information about the bottom nature and hydrodynamic features of the coast off French Mediterranean sea. The economic importance of fisheries concerning divers areas and different aspects of the fleet dynamics are also tachled. The background of this study is the knowledge of the principal marine species exploited in the area (60 species of fish, 5 of shellfish, 8 of mollusca, one of echinoderma and one of Octocorallia). The species index includes biological information and exploitation date. A reference list is proposed for each species.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Aménagement; Exploitation; Distribution; Abondance relative; Biologie; Flottille; Economie; Management; Exploitation; Distribution; Abundance; Biology relative; Fleet; Economy.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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La flottille et les engins de la peche artisanale dans le Mor Braz ArchiMer
Durand, Jean-louis.
This document produces the small scale fishing fleet, along the french coast between Quiberon and Le Croisic in 1983. It submits a calculation of the fleet movments during a year and a analysis of the antagonisms between different fishing gears usings, It, also, suggests a breakdown the fleet into 7 types.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing fleet; Small scall; Mor Braz; Flottille; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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La pêche à la morue ArchiMer
Bronkhorst, L.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Newfounfland; West African zone; Iceland; Geographic zones; Fishing gear; Fleet; Fisheries; Gadidae; Mauritanie; Terre neuve; Islande; Engin pêche; Flottille; Peche; Gadidae.
Ano: 1927 URL:
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Synthèse des Flottilles de Pêche 2003. Flotte Mer du Nord - Manche - Atlantique ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Daures, Fabienne; Berthou, Patrick; Bermell, Sylvain; Merrien, Claude; Demaneche, Sébastien.
The document synthesizes the data collected in 2004 as part of the Fisheries Observatory of Ifremer. It updates the description of the status in 2002 of the French fishing fleets operating in the North Sea, Channel and Atlantic (published in 2003). The document is comprised of a series of leaflets. The first leaflet provides a detailed breakdown of the fishing fleet. Information provided includes vessel and crew characteristics, spatial distribution of fishing activity and catch, and gear used. A description of fleets (sub-groups of vessels using the same gear combination) is also provided at both national and regional levels. The following leaflets provide a detailed description of the fishing activity and economic status of each coast (the North Sea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Atlantique; Manche; Mer du Nord; Indicateurs économiques; Indicateurs d'activité; Engin; Métier; Flottille; Typologies; Pêche; France; Atlantic; Channel; North Sea; Economic indicators; Indicators of fishing activity; Gear; Metier; Fishing fleet; Typologies; Fishing sector.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Descriptif des flottilles et des activites halieutiques des quartiers du sud golfe de Gascogne en 1986. Noirmoutier à Bayonne ArchiMer
Decamps, Philippe; Leaute, Jean-pierre.
This document produce a description of the fishing fleet of the ports of south bay of Biscaye (french atlantic coast between Noirmoutier and Hendaye) in 1986, with the aid of statistical data on landings from officials markets or not. This is a first analysis on fishing boats, fishing: gears and areas usings, and mean species.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South bay of Biscaye; Fleet; Fishing; Sud golfe de Gascogne; Flottille; Pêche.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Typologies des flottilles du sud du golfe de gascogne, en 1986, 1989, 1992 et 1995. De Noirmoutier à Bayonne. Description et evolution des composantes de peche ArchiMer
Leaute, Jean-pierre.
This document presents a comparative assessment of four triannual analyses carried out between 1986 and 1995, on 1300 boats, on average, from the 35 ports of Southern Bay of Biscay fishing fleets (from Loire river to Spanish border). Fisheries statistics allow the identification of different fishing practices and fishing boats associated with them within the fleets. In order to allow comparison and analysis of the evolution that has taken place during the study period, the same variables (gear used, landed species) and multivariate analysis procedures have been used to produce groupings of vessels Over the period, an average of 11 components have been identified, grouped in two entities, mobile and fixed gears. If the discriminative characteristics (gears,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Caseyeur; Palangrier; Fileyeur; Chalutier; Arts dormants; Arts traînants; Golfe de Gascogne; Flottille; Composante; Segmentation; Typologie; Potter; Longliner; Gillnetter; Trawler; Fixed gear; Mobile gear; Bay of Biscay; Fleet; Component; Grouping; Typologie.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Synthèse des flottilles de pêche 2009 - Flotte Mer du Nord - Manche - Atlantique - Méditerranée ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Daures, Fabienne; Berthou, Patrick; Merrien, Claude; Pitel-roudaut, Mathilde; Macher, Claire; Le Grand, Christelle; Demaneche, Sebastien; Jezequel, Michele; Bodere, Erwan; Le Blond, Samuel.
This document, which is the eighth edition of a series started in 2000, provides a global overview of the data collected in 2010 as part of the Fisheries Observatory of Ifremer. It aims to present a summary of the activity and economic situation of the French fleets operating in the North Sea, English Channel, Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea in 2009. It updates the 2008 issue, which was published in 2010. The summary is intended for a wide audience. The document contains several fact sheets: • The first sheet provides a description of the French national fishing fleet (North Sea - Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, excluding overseas), including vessel and crew characteristics. It also presents the evolution of the French fishing fleet since...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche; Typologies; Flottille; Métier; Engin; Indicateurs d’activité; Indicateurs économiques; Mer du Nord; Manche; Atlantique; Méditerranée; France; Fishing sector; Typologies; Fishing fleet; Métier; Gear; Indicators of fishing activity; Economic indicators; North Sea; English Channel; Atlantic; Mediterranean Sea; France.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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