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Devenir des bactéries dans les réseaux trophiques des vasières intertidales : le cas de brouage (Baie de Marennes-Oléron) ArchiMer
Pascal, Pierre-yves.
Bacteria are highly abundant and productive in intertidal mudflat sediments. By analogy with pelagic system, it has been suggested that bacteria play an important role in benthic food web. Due to technical difficulties, numbers of studies dealing with benthic bacterivory are not numerous and give conflicting results. A method using community of 15N enriched bacteria as tracer was developed in order to measure grazing of meiofauna and macrofauna. Since enriched bacteria present characteristics of size, activity and diversity close to natural ones, bias due to selective bacterial ingestion by grazers are limited. Due to tidal cycles, intertidal mudflat constitutes highly variable environment at short time scale. Since those variations may influence...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stable isotope; Hydrobia ulvae; Foraminifera; Copepod; Nematode; Bacteria; Mudflat; Trophic foodweb; Isotope stable; Hydrobia ulvae; Foraminifère; Copépode; Nématode; Bactérie; Vasière; Réseau trophique.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Mise en évidence par traçage isotopique naturel de ressources trophiques des moules dans la Baie de l'Aiguillon (France) ArchiMer
Richard, Pierre; Blanchard, Gerard; Goulletquer, Philippe.
The trophic resources of cultivated mussel have! been characterized and their contribution to the food of these molluscs estimated in the Bay of Aiguillon (France) through the analysis of their natural C and N isotope composition. The contribution of terrestrial organic matter (δ(13)C = -27 to -34 %0) to mussel food resources is around 10% along the year, except in winter (15 10 30 %). A large seasonal variation is observed in the utilization of oceanic phytoplanktoll (δ(13)C = -19 to -21.5 %0) and of littoral benthic productions (microphytobenthos and phanerogame detritus,δ(13)C = -12.0 to -16.7 %0). Overall, the main food source of mussels is formed by benthic productions for molluscs grown on poles, in peculiar in the South of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Détritus; Production primaire; Isotope stable; Source trophique; Moule.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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