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SELEDRAG : Etude comparative de la sélectivité des dragues à coquilles Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus ArchiMer
Foucher, Eric; Quinquis, Jerome; Ton, Caroline.
The SELEDRAG project was conducted in French territorial waters in May 2019. It was a short project, lead by the CNPMEM (French National Committee for Marine Fisheries), with Ifremer as scientific partner, and funded by “France Filière Pêche”. The context of the project is the French King Scallop fishery in the Eastern Channel, where 720 fishing boats are directly concerned by this species. Despite its importance, there is very little management for this species at the European level, but several binding rules for French fishermen in order to protect the stock, are not applicable to other countries. One of the French specificity is the ring size used, 92mm for all Scallop fisheries in France vs 85mm (or less) for UK fisheries. Another sharp divergence is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coquille Saint-Jacques; Pecten maximus; Manche Est; Baie de Seine; Sélectivité des dragues; Coquille Saint-Jacques; Pecten maximus; Manche Est; Baie de Seine; Sélectivité des dragues.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Cartographie synthétique et analyse des peuplements benthiques sur deux secteurs du littoral français "Manche-Est" et "Loire-Gironde" ArchiMer
Blanchard, Michel; Heim, Marie; Rozec, Xavier; Caisey, Xavier.
This document presents a synthetic study of benthos in two large areas of the French coast: East-Channel and the area between Loire and Gironde. This original synthesis stocktakes biotopes maps published for the vast majority in the 70’s. The report uses the previous descriptions and analysis done by the different authors, and translates them with present specific names or biotopes codes, as proposed in the European EUNIS referring system. The presented maps are standardized and referred geographically with WGS84 to be collated together. For each biotope, specific richness and ecological richness are analysed, thanks to the information given by the various authors. Some informative cards of the main representative species are also presented in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthos; Peuplement; Cartographie; Littoral français; Manche Est; Bretagne sud; Vendée; Pertuis charentais; Golfe de Gascogne; Benthos; Community; Cartography; French coast; East Channel; Southern Brittany; Vendée; Pertuis charentais; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Evaluation du stock de coquilles Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus du gisement de la baie de Seine. Résultats de la campagne de prospection COMOR 2018 (1er au 19 juillet 2018). ArchiMer
Foucher, Eric.
The assessment of the King scallop stock of the Bay of Seine (Pecten maximus) was carried out in July 2018, in the Bay of Seine sensu stricto, located in French territorial waters (from the Normandy coast to the south to the limit of 12 nautical miles to the North), as well as the bordering zone lying north of this 12-mile limit and up to a latitude of 49°48N to the North, called "Extérieur Baie de Seine". For this, a scientific survey, based on a stratified random sampling plan, was conducted aboard the F/R Thalia, a coastal research vessel of the French Oceanographic Fleet. Nearly 170 sampling points were completed in the whole area. Analysis of these data leads to an overall increase in exploitable biomass over the entire area. In the area “Exterieur...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coquille Saint-Jacques; Pecten maximus; Manche Est; Baie de Seine; Evaluation de stock; King scallop; Pecten maximus; Eastern Channel; Bay of Seine; Stock assessment.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Evaluation du stock de coquilles Saint‐Jacques Pecten maximus de la baie de Seine. Résultats de la campagne scientifique COMOR 2019 (2 au 20 juillet 2019). ArchiMer
Foucher, Eric.
The assessment of the King scallop stock of the Bay of Seine (Pecten maximus) was carried out in July 2019, in the Bay of Seine sensu stricto, located in French territorial waters (from the Normandy coast to the south to the limit of 12 nautical miles to the North), as well as the bordering zone lying north of this 12-mile limit and up to a latitude of 49°48N to the North, called "Extérieur Baie de Seine". For this, a scientific survey, based on a stratified random sampling plan, was conducted aboard the F/R Thalia, a coastal research vessel of the French Oceanographic Fleet. Nearly 170 sampling points were completed in the whole area. Analysis of these data leads to an overall increase in exploitable biomass over the entire area. Outside the Bay of Seine,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coquille Saint-Jacques; Pecten maximus; Manche Est; Baie de Seine; Evaluation de stock; King scallop; Pecten maximus; Eastern Channel; Bay of Seine; Stock assessment.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Perceptions et attentes des professionnels de manche est vis a vis de l'ecosysteme qu'ils exploitent ArchiMer
Prigent, Magali; Fontenelle, Guy.
The development of an ecosystemic approach to fisheries management requires the clear formulation of management objectives that make it possible to develop criteria to evaluate indicators. For an ecosystem, targets and limits are a matter of societal choice. Work to formulate these objectives is necessary. Within this perspective, this report presents a survey of the perceptions of Eastern English Channel fishing professionals on the state of the "marine ecosystem" resource. 29 people were polled during the month of June 2006 about their perceptions of the ecosystem as it was at a baseline time in the past, as it is today, and as it should be in future. Diagrams made it possible to formalise these perceptions. The people who were polled noticed a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern English Channel; Fishing professional; Economy; Ecosystemic approach; Marine ecosystem; Fisheries management; Ecosystème marin; Gestion des pêches; Manche Est; Professionnel de la pêche; Economie; Approche écosystémique.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Relative contributions of different sole and plaice nurseries to the adult population in the Eastern Channel: application of a combined method using generalized linear models and a geographic information system ArchiMer
Riou, Philippe; Le Pape, Olivier; Rogers, Stuart I..
The Eastern Channel (ICES division 7d) is considered a unit for stock management of the common sole Solea solea and the plaice Pleuronectes platessa. At this scale, the aim of this work is to model the juvenile distribution of these flatfish. The database used, based on different surveys undertaken during the two last decades, includes 4500 coastal beam trawl hauls throughout the Eastern Channel coasts. Multivariate analyses are used to study the interannual fluctuations in flatfish recruitment of the region. This approach allows us to separate the Eastern Channel into homogeneous sectors with regard to these fluctuations. The physical parameters that contribute to the observed juvenile sole and plaice distributions are identified and their distributions...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel; Solea solea; Pleuronectes platessa; Nursery grounds; Geographical information system; Statistical models; Solea solea; Pleuronectes platessa; Nourricerie; Manche Est; Système d'information géographique; Modèles statistiques.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Les pêcheries artisanales de Manche Est. Flottilles et ressources halieutiques ArchiMer
Lemoine, Michel; Giret, Marc.
From Normandy to Belgium bordary, the coastal fishery became during the ten last years a significant social and economic actor, which mostly lives by predominant exploitation of eastern Channel. Recently discovering a situation of resource overexploitation and a difficult cohabitation between "métiers", these coastal fleets are in the heart of various preoccupations of managment at regional, national and european levels. Since 1985, a coordinated programme including Boulogne and Ouistreham allowed to progress in the knowledge of complex fisheries through: improvement of statistics, characterisation of coastal fleets and their activity, assessment of the knowledge on the resources. This synthesis describes, for 1987-88, the quality of the regional landings...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Typologie; Pêcheries artisanales; Flottilles; Ressources; Manche Est; Métiers; Typology; Fisheries; Fleets; Living resources; Channel; "Métiers".
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Implications of morphological and functional traits for trophic relationships within fish communities and marine trophic network architecture ArchiMer
Cachera, Marie.
A current issue in ecology is to understand the contribution of biodiversity to ecosystem functioning and notably to comprehend how inter- and intra-specific trait variation affects trophic interactions between individuals and species, the trophic organization of communities and trophic network architecture. Particularly, morphology has historically been considered as a main determinant of organisms’ ecology, which led to the field of ecomorphology, and, from a functional perspective, is expected to influence trophic relationships and other ecological functions performed by species. This thesis aimed at studying the trophic organization of a marine fish community and its dependency on morphological and functional trait variation between and within species....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Communauté; Morphologie; Réseau trophique; Niche; Traits fonctionnels; Manche Est; Community; Morphology; Trophic network; Niche; Functional traits; Eastern English Channel.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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