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An index to distinguish surface and subsurface intensified vortices from surface observations ArchiMer
Assassi, Charefeddine; Morel, Y.; Vandermeirsch, Frederic; Chaigneau, A.; Pegliasco, C.; Morrow, R.; Colas, F.; Fleury, S.; Carton, Xavier; Klein, Patrice; Cambra, R..
In this study, we first show that it is difficult to reconstruct the vertical structure of vortices using only surface observations. In particular we show that the recent SQG and ISQG methods systematically lead to surface intensified vortices and those subsurface intensified vortices are thus not correctly modelled. We then investigate the possibility to distinguish between surface and subsurface intensified eddies from surface data only, using the sea surface height and the sea surface temperature available from satellite observations. A simple index, based on the ratio of the sea surface temperature anomaly and the sea level anomaly, is proposed. While the index is expected to give perfect results for isolated vortices, we show that in a complex...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Anticyclonic eddies connecting the western boundaries of Indian and Atlantic oceans ArchiMer
Laxenaire, R.; Speich, S.; Blanke, Bruno; Chaigneau, A.; Pegliasco, C.; Stegner, A..
The Indo‐Atlantic interocean exchanges achieved by Agulhas Rings are tightly linked to global ocean circulation and climate. Yet, they are still poorly understood because they are difficult to identify and follow. We propose here an original assessment on Agulhas Rings, achieved by TOEddies, a new eddy identification and tracking algorithm that we applied over 24 years of satellite altimetry. Its main novelty lies in the detection of eddy splitting and merging events. These are particularly abundant and significantly impact the concept of a trajectory associated with a single eddy, which becomes less obvious than previously admitted. To overcome this complication, we have defined a network of segments that group together in relatively complex trajectories....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agulhas Rings; Eddy tracking; Interocean exchange; Mesoscale dynamics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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