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Sperm movement and fecundance in scallops(pecten maximus) and oysters (crassostrea gigas) ArchiMer
Devauchelle, Nicole; Cosson, Jacky; Orsini, Laurent; Faure, Catherine; Girard, Jean-pierre.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1994 URL:
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The quality of Pecten maximus sperm ArchiMer
Faure, Catherine; Devauchelle, Nicole; Girard, J.p; Cosson, J.
Sperm of the scallop Pecten maximus (L.) can be collected by various methods for artificial reproduction. Characteristics such as spermiation time, fertilizing capacity, respiration and motility of the spe can be modified by collection method. In the current study, sperm was collected quickly by scarification, but its quality was only average. When thermal shock or serotonin injection was used to stimulate the release of sperm, it was collected and concentrated as "dry" as possible after exit fr the kidney. Its quality was comparable to that of diluted sperm collected after thermal shock, a technique commonly used in bivalve hatcheries. The results also showed that serotonin injection systematically decreased spermiation time and induced the production of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1994 URL:
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La densite, un critere de qualite applicable en ecloserie aux embryos de Pecten maximus (mollusque bivalve) ArchiMer
Faure, Catherine; Devauchelle, Nicole; Dorange, Germaine.
The quality of the scallop embryos is determined by the spawners characteristics as well as by the external factors they support during the maturation and the spawning phases. All these parameters are not still well controlled during the artificial conditioning in the hatcheries. As a consequence, the quality of the embryos is drastically variable and with them, the larvae performances in terms of survival and growth rates. It would be interesting to get a simple and quick test which would allow the estimation of the spawns quality. The embryos density, evaluated by isopycnic centrifugation of Percoll medium, is well adapted to this objective. Actually, a centrifugation of embryos two hours after fertilization separates them in 3 stratum with their density...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; Bivalvia; Quality; Survival; Larvae; Growth; Sexual maturity; Spawning populations; Spawning; Embryos; Hatcheries.
Ano: 1992 URL:
Registros recuperados: 3
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