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Butterflies for the new millennium: mapping butterfly distributions in Britain (Lepidoptera) Naturalis
Fox, R.; Warren, M.; Harding, P.; Asher, J.; Jeffcoate, G.; Jeffcoate, S..
Butterflies for the new millennium: mapping butterfly distributions in Britain (Lepidoptera) Butterflies for the New Millennium is the largest and most comprehensive survey of butterfly distribution ever undertaken in Britain and Ireland. The number of contributing recorders, the coverage achieved and the number and quality of distribution records generated far exceed those available for any other invertebrate taxon. The data thus provide a unique insight into the effects of habitat degradation and climate change on a high profile insect group. The results of the first five years of the survey (1995-1999) have been analysed to assess broad-scale distribution changes over the past two decades and the past two centuries. In both time periods, the British...
Tipo: Article in monograph or in proceedings Palavras-chave: Butterfly recording; Butterfly distribution; Habitat degredation; Climate change; Biodiversity; Conservation; Indicator species; 42.75.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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