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Cardiorespiratory adaptations induced by aerobic training in middle-aged men: the importance of a decrease in sympathetic stimulation for the contribution of dynamic exercise tachycardia BJMBR
Chacon-Mikahil,M.P.T.; Forti,V.A.M.; Catai,A.M.; Szrajer,J.S.; Golfetti,R.; Martins,L.E.B.; Lima-Filho,E.C.; Wanderley,J.S.; Marin-Neto,J.A.; Maciel,B.C.; Gallo-Jr.,L..
We investigated the effects of aerobic training on the efferent autonomic control of heart rate (HR) during dynamic exercise in middle-aged men, eight of whom underwent exercise training (T) while the other seven continued their sedentary (S) life style. The training was conducted over 10 months (three 1-h sessions/week on a field track at 70-85% of the peak HR). The contribution of sympathetic and parasympathetic exercise tachycardia was determined in terms of differences in the time constant effects on the HR response obtained using a discontinuous protocol (4-min tests at 25, 50, 100 and 125 watts on a cycle ergometer), and a continuous protocol (25 watts/min until exhaustion) allowed the quantification of the parameters (anaerobic threshold, VO2 AT;...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sympathetic modulation of heart rate; Dynamic exercise; Aerobic training; Autonomic nervous system; Anaerobic threshold; Middle-aged men.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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