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Étude géophysique de la terminaison orientale de la dorsale de Walvis (Atlantique Sud) ArchiMer
Goslin, Jean.
La terminaison orientale de la dorsale de Walvis est formée de deux crêtes de socle, probablement de nature basaltique, enserrant un bassin sédimentaire profond. A l'Est du méridien 10° Est, le haut méridional s'ennoye sous les sédiments de la marge continentale d'Afrique du Sud-Ouest.
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Ano: 1973 URL:
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Thickness of lithosphere deduced from gravity edge effects across the Mendocino Fault ArchiMer
Sibuet, Jean-claude; Le Pichon, Xavier; Goslin, Jean.
THE evolution of a lithospheric plate, as it migrates away from the accreting boundary (mid-ocean ridge crest), is mostly a result of vertical cooling by conduction. As density is a function of temperature and pressure, the density structure should be a function of the age of the plate and, in order to preserve isostatic equilibrium, the seafloor should subside as the plate cools. Thus, the variation of heat flow, seafloor depth and the gravity field are different expressions of the same process, progressive cooling, occurring over the whole thickness of the plate. Sclater and Francheteau² have verified these properties through an analysis of the variation of heat flow and depth with the age of the plate. Their model assumed that the plate remains a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1974 URL:
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MoMAR-D: a technological challenge to monitor the dynamics of the Lucky Strike vent ecosystem ArchiMer
Colaco, Ana; Blandin, Jerome; Cannat, M.; Carval, Thierry; Chavagnac, V.; Connelly, D.; Fabian, M.; Ghiron, S.; Goslin, Jean; Miranda, J. M.; Reverdin, G.; Sarrazin, Jozee; Waldmann, C.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie.
The MoMAR (monitoring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) project was initiated in 1998 by the InterRidge programme to promote and coordinate long-term multidisciplinary monitoring of hydrothermal vents at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The major objective of the project is to study vent ecosystem dynamics using a multidisciplinary approach from geophysics to microbiology over a period of a few decades. MoMAR-D is a demonstration project of MoMAR, partially funded by the European network of excellence ESONET ( MoMAR-D aims to deploy and manage a multidisciplinary observing system at the Lucky Strike vent field for 1 year. This large hydrothermal field is located at the centre of one of the most volcanically active segments of the MAR. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrothermal vents; Long-term studies; Lucky Strike vent field; MoMAR; Monitoring experiments; Ocean observatories; Technical infrastructure.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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