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Tracing marine cryptotephras in the North Atlantic during the last glacial period: Protocols for identification, characterisation and evaluating depositional controls ArchiMer
Abbott, Peter M.; Griggs, Adam J.; Bourne, Anna J.; Davies, Siwan M..
Tephrochronology is increasingly being utilised as a key tool for improving chronological models and correlating disparate palaeoclimatic sequences. For many sedimentary environments, however, there is an increased recognition that a range of processes may impart a delay in deposition and/or rework tephra. These processes can affect the integrity of tephra deposits as time-synchronous markers, therefore, it is crucial to assess their isochronous nature, especially when cryptotephras are investigated in a dynamic marine environment. A methodology for the identification and characterisation of marine cryptotephras alongside a protocol for assessing their integrity is outlined. This methodology was applied to a wide network of North Atlantic marine sequences...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quaternary; Palaeoceanography; Tephrochronology; North Atlantic; Transport and deposition; Marine cores; Glass shard concentrations.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Tracing marine cryptotephras in the North Atlantic during the last glacial period: Improving the North Atlantic marine tephrostratigraphic framework ArchiMer
Abbott, Peter M.; Griggs, Adam J.; Bourne, Anna J.; Chapman, Mark R.; Davies, Siwan M..
Tephrochronology is increasingly being recognised as a key tool for the correlation of disparate palae-oclimatic archives, underpinning chronological models and facilitating climatically independent comparisons of climate proxies. Tephra frameworks integrating both distal and proximal tephra occurrences are essential to these investigations providing key details on their spatial distributions, geochemical signatures, eruptive sources as well as any available chronological and/or stratigraphic information. Frameworks also help to avoid mis-correlation of horizons and provide important information on volcanic history. Here we present a comprehensive chronostratigraphic framework of 14 tephra horizons from North Atlantic marine sequences spanning 60-25 cal ka...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quaternary; Palaeoceanography; Tephrochronology; North Atlantic; Tephra framework; Marine cores.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Optimising the use of marine tephrochronology in the North Atlantic: a detailed investigation of the Faroe Marine Ash Zones II, III and IV ArchiMer
Griggs, Adam J.; Davies, Siwan M.; Abbott, Peter M.; Rasmussen, Tine L.; Palmer, Adrian P..
Tephrochronology is central to the INTIMATE(1) goals for testing the degree of climatic synchroneity during abrupt climatic events that punctuated the last glacial period. Since their identification in North Atlantic marine sequences, the Faroe Marine Ash Zone II (FMAZ II), FMAZ III and FMAZ IV have received considerable attention due to their potential for high-precision synchronisation with the Greenland ice-cores. In order to optimise the use of these horizons as isochronous markers, a detailed re-investigation of their geochemical composition, sedimentology and the processes that deposited each ash zone is presented. Shard concentration profiles, geochemical homogeneity and micro-sedimentological structures are investigated for each ash zone preserved...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Atlantic; Tephra; Taphonomy; Synchronisation; Micromorphology.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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