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Submesoscale cyclones in the Agulhas current ArchiMer
Krug, M.; Swart, S.; Gula, J..
Gliders were deployed for the first time in the Agulhas Current region to investigate processes of interactions between western boundary currents and shelf waters. Continuous observations from the gliders in water depths of 100-1000m and over a period of 1month provide the first high-resolution observations of the Agulhas Current's inshore front. The observations collected in a nonmeandering Agulhas Current show the presence of submesoscale cyclonic eddies, generated at the inshore boundary of the Agulhas Current. The submesoscale cyclones are often associated with warm water plumes, which extend from their western edge and exhibit strong northeastward currents. These features are a result of shear instabilities and extract their energy from the mean...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Western boundary current; Coastal and shelf; Sub-mesoscale; Agulhas Current; Ocean gliders; Instabilities.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Eddy-topography interactions and the fate of the Persian Gulf Outflow ArchiMer
Vic, C.; Roullet, Guillaume; Capet, Xavier; Carton, Xavier; Molemaker, Maarten Jeroen; Gula, J..
The Persian Gulf feeds a warm and salty outflow in the Gulf of Oman (northern Arabian Sea). The salt climatological distribution is relatively smooth in the Gulf of Oman, and the signature of a slope current carrying salty waters is difficult to distinguish hundreds of kilometers past the Strait of Hormuz, in contrast to other outflows of the world ocean. This study focuses on the mechanisms involved in the spreading of Persian Gulf Water (PGW) in the Gulf of Oman, using a regional primitive equation numerical simulation. The authors show that the dispersion of PGW occurs through a regime that is distinct from, for example, the one responsible for the Mediterranean outflow dispersion. The background mesoscale eddy field is energetic and participates...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Uncovering a New Current: The Southwest MAdagascar Coastal Current ArchiMer
Ramanantsoa, Juliano D.; Penven, P.; Krug, M.; Gula, J.; Rouault, M..
Cruise data sets, satellite remote sensing observations, and model data analyses are combined to highlight the existence of a coastal surface poleward flow in the southwest of Madagascar: the Southwest MAdagascar Coastal Current (SMACC). The SMACC is a relatively shallow (<300 m) and narrow (<100 km wide) warm and salty coastal surface current, which flows along the south western coast of Madagascar toward the south, opposite to the dominant winds. The warm water surface signature of the SMACC extends from 22°S (upstream) to 26.4°S (downstream). The SMACC exhibits a seasonal variability: more intense in summer and reduced in winter. The average volume transport of its core is about 1.3 Sv with a mean summer maximum of 2.1 Sv. It is forced by a strong...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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