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The poor health of deep-water species in the context of fishing activity and a warming climate: will populations of Molva species rebuild or collapse? ArchiMer
Lloret, Josep; Serrat, Alba; Þórðarson, Guðmundur; Helle, Kristin; Jadaud, Angelique; Bruno, Isabel; Ordines, Francesc; Sartor, Paolo; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Rätz, Hans-joachim.
Many deep‐water fish populations, being k‐selected species, have little resilience to overexploitation and may be at serious risk of depletion as a consequence. Sea warming represents an additional threat. In this study, the condition, or health, of several populations of common ling (Molva molva), blue ling (M. dypterygia) and Mediterranean or Spanish ling (M. macrophthalma) inhabiting different areas in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean was evaluated, in order to shed light on the challenges these deep water species are facing in the context of fishing activity and a warming climate. The data on the condition of Molva populations which we analyze here has been complemented with data on abundance and, for the southernmost species (Mediterranean...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Condition; Parasitism; Reproduction; Deep‐water fish; Fisheries; Sea warming.
Ano: 2020 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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