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Studies in the family Thelypteridaceae. The genera Phegopteris, Pseudophegopteris, and Macrothelypteris Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
This is the first of an intended series of papers on the family Thelypteridaceae, especially in the Old World, based on studies made in preparation for an account of the family for Flora Malesiana. At a later stage I will give a formal statement of the characters of the family, but here I must point out that a former statement of mine (Holttum, 1947, p. 130) needs to be modified as regards characters of scales and hairs. Scales. These may bear either marginal or superficial unicellular hairs, or both, or perhaps in rare cases none; the hairs may be acicular, or capitate, or spherical and glandular.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1969 URL:
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Lomariopsis group Naturalis
Holttum, R.E.; Hennipman, E..
Rhizome creeping or low-climbing (Bolbitis) or climbing ( Lomariopsis, etc.) or epiphytic (Elaphoglossum), dorsiventral, with a broad ventral vascular strand which supplies the roots and one or more dorsal strands (the fronds in two or more longitudinal rows, according to the number of strands); stipes jointed to rhizome (Teratophyllum, Elaphoglossum) or not, containing several separate vascular strands; scales peltate or pseudopeltate, clathrate or not; no elongate unicellular hairs. Rhizomes of young plants always with one dorsal meristele, this condition persisting to the adult plant in Teratophyllum and many species of Elaphoglossum. Fronds simple ( Elaphoglossum, Bolbitis spp.), pinnate (all but Elaphoglossum) or bipinnate ( Teratophyllum and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1978 URL:
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Schizaeaceae Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
Rhizome usually short-creeping with closely-placed fronds, less often widecreeping or somewhat erect, the young parts covered with thick septate hairs (except Mohria, not Malaysian), structure dorsiventral or radial, vascular strand in Malaysian genera a protostele (medullated in Schizaea). Fronds of very varied structure, their branching showing varying gradations from dichotomous to pinnate; veins usually free; sporangia borne on specialized segments of the fronds (sorophores) except in the non-Malaysian Mohria. Sorophores at the ends of veins of fertile leaflets (Lygodium), or in small pinnate groups at the apex of a frond or of its branches (Schizaea), or confined to special branches of the frond (Anemia, not Malaysian). Sporangia arising marginally...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Tectaria group Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
Polypodiaceae subfam. Dryopteridoideae section A, auct.: C. Chr. in Verdoorn, Man. Pteridol. (1938) 543, p.p. Aspidiaceae tribe Aspidieae auct.: Ching, Sunyatsenia 5 (1940) 250, excl. Lomariopsis and related genera. — Aspidiaceae, group of Ctenitis Copel., Gen. Fil. (1947) 153. Aspidiaceae auct.: Pichi Sermolli, Webbia 31 (1977) 460—468, p.p. Dennstaedtiaceae subfam. Tectarioideae Holttum, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 53 (1947) 152; Revis. Fl. Malaya 2 (1955) 494; Studies fern genera I, Fern Gaz. 12 (1984) 313—319; Ibid. VI, Gard. Bull. Sing. 39 (1986) 153—167. Caudex in almost all cases erect or suberect, always with a radially organized dictyostele; scales narrow and rather firm, marginal teeth (if present, except in Cyclopeltis) almost always formed at the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1991 URL:
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”Nomenclaturally extinct” works Naturalis
Baehni, Ch.; Holttum, R.E.; Robyns, W.; Steenis, C.G.G.J. van.
One of the causes of instability in botanical nomenclature is found in that our predecessors did not verify the nomenclatural bearing of an unknown number of (often very rare) works. In PENNANT’s 4-volume ”Outlines of the Globe” (1800), a standard geographical work at its time (1) a chapter was found recently devoted to a ”Flora Indica”. The compiler had unintentionally made some name changes which remained unrecorded in scientific botany. Not long ago ROTHMALER unearthed many such works (2). It must be realized that, quite probably, many other works will be detected necessitating future unexpected and undesirable name changes. Our proposal is to exclude, onwards of 1951, for botanical nomenclature, all works which, up till that date, have not been used...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1949 URL:
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New taxa in the Tectaria Group (Polypodiaceae) from Malesia Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
In November 1989 we received from Professor R.E. Holttum his last manuscript for Flora Malesiana. He must have worked for many years to finish this publication on a very difficult group of ferns. For several reasons, not in the least because the manuscript was by no means small, it took a long time before the editing and typesetting were finished. Many new names were given and taxa described by Professor Holttum. Since new taxa are no longer published in Flora Malesiana (new style), this precursor on new species and varieties (and a few new combinations) is published in Blumea, later this year to be followed by the complete revision in Flora Malesiana, series II, volume 2¹, Pteridophyta. The following new species and varieties are described here: Tectaria...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1991 URL:
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The genus Arthropteris J. Sm. in Malesia Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
Arthropteris is a small genus of the Old World tropics (and southwards to New Zealand) the affinity of which is not clear. It shares with Oleandra and Elaphoglossum the character of outgrowths from the rhizome (phyllopodia) to which the stipes of fronds are jointed, and also has peltate rhizome-scales comparable with those of both genera. One group of species closely resembles Nephrolepis in shape and articulation of pinnae and in form and position of sori, another group has the frond-form and soral form of Thelypteris, and a third has sterile fronds so like those of Teratophyllum that they might be mistaken for that genus; the slender dorsiventral rhizome in all species is comparable with that of Teratophyllum, though the anatomy is different in detail. A...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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Studies in the family Thelypteridaceae VIII. The genera Mesophlebion and Plesioneuron Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
Plesioneurott, originally published as a subgenus of Mesophlebion, is here raised to generic rank. New descriptions of both genera are provided, keys to all known species, and synonymy and description for each. Synonymy is reduced to basionyms except where other synonyms refer to important literature; in all cases published combinations in Thelypteris are recorded. Type material of all basionyms has been examined. An index of new names and of all basionyms cited is provided. Mesophlebion, as here arranged, is confined to Malesia (with a short extension northwards from Malaya) with Borneo as centre of distribution. It comprises 18 species, of which the following are new: M. dulitense, M. caroli, M. rufescens, and M. arenicola. The following basionyms are...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Cytological observations on ferns from New Guinea with descriptions of new species Naturalis
Holttum, R.E.; Roy, S.K..
Dicranopteris linearis var. montana Holtt. abnormal Microlepia strigosa (Thunb.) Presl Pseudophegopteris aurita (Hk.) Ching cyclocarpa Holttum Pseudocyclosorus caudatus Holttum petrophila (Copel.) Holttum Mesoneuron wantotensis (Copel.) Holttum Cyclosorus dentatus (Forsk.) Ching confertus (Brause) Copel. heterocarpus (Bl.) Copel. beccarianus (Cesati) Copel. deminuens Holttum Arachniodes aristata (Forst.) Tindale Tectaria devexa (Kze) Copel. Diplazium armatum (Copel.) Holttum stellatopilosum (Brause) Holttum proliferum (Lam.) Kaulf. Lunathyrium japonicum (Thunb.) Kurata Naphrolepis lauterbachii Christ saligna Carr. Pteris orientalis v.A.v.R. cretica L. tripartita Sw. warburgii Christ Adiantum aneitense Carr. diaphanum Bl. Coniogramme intermedia Hieron....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1966 URL:
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Instructions for collecting tree ferns of the family Cyatheaceae Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
The next monographic study which will be undertaken for the series Pteridophyta of the Flora Malesiana will be devoted to the tree ferns of the Cyatheaceae. In connection with the large size of these plants and the desirability of having more and complete material at our disposal, the following notes are addressed to field collectors who may be in a position to obtain specimens. For securing essential parts tree ferns appear less unmanageable than they may look at first sight.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1957 URL:
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Studies in the family Thelypteridaceae IV. The genus Pronephrium Presl Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
This genus was re-described in Blumea 19 (1971) 34. It comprises the Thelypteroid ferns of the Old World which have basal pinnae unreduced, all pinnae crenate to shallowly lobed, with anastomosing veins; it also includes a few species with simple entire lamina. The present account is based on a study of type material of almost all species, and of all specimens in the herbaria at Kew, British Museum, Leiden, Florence, Geneva, Paris, Bogor, Singapore, Lae, and the U.S. National Herbarium. Thanks are expressed to the Directors and staff of these and other herbaria for their cooperation.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Cyatheaceae Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
Caudex massive, usually erect and unbranched, where prostrate not dorsiventral in structure; fronds arranged on caudex in spiral series; vascular system of caudex a hollow cylinder with gaps corresponding with leaf-bases, in some cases small medullary bundles also present; a cylinder of very hard sclerenchyma, with gaps at leaf-bases, present both inside and outside the vascular cylinder (but absent in Cibotium), the surfaces of the sclerenchyma covered with cubical cells containing silica; tangentially arranged sieve-tubes present in the phloem as well as longitudinal ones. Stipes of Cyathea containing numerous small vascular strands arranged in 3 series (fig. 6), these strands more or less united in smaller axes of Cyatheafronds and also in larger axes...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Studies in the fern-genera allied to Tectaria. III. Aenigmopteris and Ataxipteris, two new genera allied to Tectaria Cav., with comments on Psomiocarpa Presl Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
Two new genera, Aenigmopteris and Ataxipteris, are established. Aenigmopteris resembles Ctenitis C. Chr. in its frond-form and venation but has scales and indusia like those of Tectaria Cav. and in its narrowly winged pinna-rachises approaches Lastreopsis Ching. Its type species (from Luzon) was originally named Dryopteris dubia Copel.; it includes also Dryopteris pulchra Copel. from New Guinea and three new species: Aenigmopteris mindanaensis from Mindanao, A. elegans from Sabah, and A. katoi from Indonesian Borneo. Its relationship to Psomiocarpa Presl is discussed. Ataxipteris, based on a single species of southern China and Japan originally named Tectaria sinii Ching, resembles Tectaria in frond-form and venation but has scales like those of Ctenitis....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Addenda, corrigenda et emendanda Naturalis
Holttum, R.E.; Kramer, K.U..
As has been done in Series I, Flowering Plants, it seems useful to complete the volume with worthwhile additions and corrections. Page numbers are provided with either a or b denoting the left and right columns respectively.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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The morphology of ferns Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
A fern plant consists of a stem, bearing leaves and roots. The leaves (or some of them) bear dehiscent sporangia, each sporangium containing unicellular spores, which are in most cases Wind-dispersed. A spore germinates to produce a small green plant called a prothallus. The Prothallus bears sexual organs ( archegonia and antheridia). After fertilization by an antherozoid, the female cell in an archegonium grows to form a new fern plant. The life cycle of a fern thus has two phases, asexual (the fern plant) and sexual (the prothallus). These phases are also called the sporophyte and the, gametophyle. The sporophyte is much longer-lived, larger and more diversified than the gametophyte, and its characters are mainly used in taxonomy. The following statement...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Studies in the family Thelypteridaceae. XII. The genus Amphineuron Holttum Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
The genus is re-described and its status discussed. A key to all known species is provided, and a full synonymy and description for each, with discussions on the complex synonymies of A. terminans and A. opulentum. Ten species are recognized and 23 basionyms reduced to synonymy. One new species, A. tildeniae from Tahiti, is described and the following new combinations are made: A. tonkinense (C. Chr.) Holttum, A. subattenuatum (Rosenst.) Holttum, A. paraphysophorum (v. A. v. R.) Holttum, A. attenuatum (O. Kuntze) Holttum, A. distinctum (Copel.) Holttum, A. ceramicum (v. A. v. R.) Holttum.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Report by dr R.E. Holttum on his round-the-world trip 1959-60 Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
1. Introductory.--This project was to study fern specimens in certain herbaria in the U.S.A., especially of tree-ferns (Cyatheaceae), in connection with preparation of the Pteridophyte Series of Flora Malesiana, and to make contacts in the U.S.A. with a view to continued cooperation in this work. The family Cyatheaceae, on which I am at present engaged, is a particularly difficult one, comprising 350 described species in Malaysia, in a close alliance. Probably all should be regarded as belonging to one genus. Descriptions of species have on the whole been unsatisfactory, so that many identifications of specimens in herbaria are doubtful or erroneous. It is thus necessary to see all type specimens to establish the significance of names; and also, as the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1960 URL:
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Introductory note Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
The work of preparation of a new survey of all the Pteridophytes of Malaysia will occupy a considerable period. It is proposed to publish this work in parts, as studies of particular families or genera are completed, but it is impossible to plan in advance the precise sequence of these studies. It is anticipated that the new information to be recorded, and new ideas based upon it, will throw a good deal of new light on the delimitation of genera, and upon the inter-relationships of genera, especially among the ferns, which are by far the largest of the major groups concerned. Therefore one cannot now predict what final scheme of classification will emerge. But it is necessary to have some sort of conspectus at the start, as a preliminary survey of the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Flora Malesiana series Pteridophyta Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
The preparation of a new account of the pteridophytes of the whole Malayan region is a very large undertaking, and when one is at the beginning of it, one cannot foresee what may happen during the course of its execution. It is in part a voyage of discovery. The work will have to be done in stages, and published in parts. To wait until it is all completed, and then to coordinate and re-arrange it before publication, would mean an unreasonably long delay. But to publish it in parts will inevitably mean that one will have new ideas about the early parts as one works on the later ones. My hope is that, when the work is finished, it will be possible to have a new and better conception of the inter-relations of the parts. Present schemes for definition of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1956 URL:
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New species of Malaysian ferns Naturalis
Holttum, R.E..
The present paper includes descriptions of several new species of ferns found among recent collections from various parts of Malaysia; also two new combinations of names of species which are of interest on account of their taxonomic history.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1962 URL:
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