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Evidence of Mediterranean Water dipole collision in the Gulf of Cadiz ArchiMer
L'Hegaret, Pierre; Carton, Xavier; Ambar, Isabel; Menesguen, Claire; Hua, Bach Lien; Cherubin, Laurent; Aguiar, Ana; Le Cann, Bernard; Daniault, Nathalie; Serra, Nuno.
A collision of Mediterranean Water dipoles in the Gulf of Cadiz is studied here, using data from the MedTop and Semane experiments. First, a Mediterranean Water eddy (meddy) was surveyed hydrologically in November 2000 southwest of Cape Saint Vincent. Then, this meddy drifted northeastward from this position, accompanied by a cyclone (detected only via altimetry), thus forming a first dipole. In February 2001, a dipole of Mediterranean Water was measured hydrologically just after its formation near Portimão Canyon. This second dipole drifted southwestward. The western and eastern meddies had hydrological radii of about 22 and 25 km, respectively, with corresponding temperature and salinity maxima of (13.45°C, 36.78) and (11.40°C, 36.40). Rafos float...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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