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Socio-economic tools to mitigate the impacts of ocean acidification on economies and communities reliant on coral reefs - a framework for prioritization ArchiMer
Hilmi, Nathalie; Osborn, David; Acar, Sevil; Bambridge, Tamatoa; Chlous, Frederique; Cinar, Mine; Djoundourian, Salpie; Haraldsson, Gunnar; Lam, Vicky W. Y.; Maliki, Samir; Mantuano, Annick De Marffy; Marshall, Nadine; Marshall, Paul; Pascal, Nicolas; Recuero-virto, Laura; Rehdanz, Katrin; Safa, Alain.
Coral reef preservation is a challenge for the whole of humanity, not just for the estimated three billion people that directly depend upon coral reefs for their livelihoods and food security. Ocean acidification combined with rising sea surface temperatures, and an array of other anthropogenic influences such as pollution, sedimentation, over fishing, and coral mining represent the key threats currently facing coral reef survival. Here we summarize a list of agreements, policies, and socioeconomic tools and instruments that can be used by global, national and local decision-makers to address ocean acidification and associated threats, as identified during an expert workshop in October 2017. We then discuss these tools and instruments at a global level and...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Ecological and socioeconomic strategies to sustain Caribbean coral reefs in a high-CO2 world ArchiMer
Andersson, Andreas J.; Venn, Alexander A.; Pendleton, Linwood; Brathwaite, Angelique; Camp, Emma; Cooley, Sarah; Gedhill, Dwight; Koch, Marguerite; Maliki, Samir; Manfrino, Carrie.
The Caribbean and Western Atlantic region hosts one of the world’s most diverse geopolitical regions and a unique marine biota distinct from tropical seas in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. While this region varies in human population density, GDP and wealth, coral reefs, and their associated ecosystem services, are central to people’s livelihoods. Unfortunately, the region’s reefs have experienced extensive degradation over the last several decades. This degradation has been attributed to a combination of disease, overfishing, and multiple pressures from other human activities. Furthermore, the Caribbean region has experienced rapid ocean warming and acidification as a result of climate change that will continue and accelerate throughout the 21st century....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Caribbean; Coral reef; Restoration; Climate change; Ocean acidification; Ecosystem services.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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