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CHARM : Atlas des Habitats des Ressources Marines de la Manche Orientale ArchiMer
Carpentier, Andre; Coppin, Franck; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Desroy, Nicolas; Dewarumez, Jean-marie; Eastwood, Paul D.; Ernande, Bruno; Harrop, Stuart; Kemp, Zarine; Koubbi, Philippe; Williams, Nigel Leader; Lefebvre, Alain; Lemoine, Michel; Loots, Christophe; S. Martin, Corinne; Meaden, Geoff J.; Ryan, Nick; Tan, Lei; Vaz, Sandrine; Walkey, Mike.
INTRODUCTION: The Dover Strait (Figure 1) connects the North Sea to the English Channel. Here, northern France and South-East England are at their closest. This narrow corridor, one of the world's busiest straits for maritime shipping, is a key economic area for numerous activities, such as leisure and tourism, international ports and shipping, plus the exploitation of living or abiotic marine resources. This area is a significant resource for fisheries because many commercial fish species are abundant there, but also because of the presence of nursery and spawning areas and migratory routes linked to specific environmental characteristics. The vulnerability of these resources, which are subjected to strong anthropogenic pressures, has brought together...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Survey; Landings; Larvae; Eastern channel; Benthos; Fish; Sig; Policy analysis; Species protection; Habita protection; Protected areas; Marine biodiversity conservation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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