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Giant seabed polygons and underlying polygonal faults in the Caribbean Sea as markers of the sedimentary cover extension in the Grenada Basin ArchiMer
Gay, Aurelien; Padron Mora, Crelia; Meyer, Solene; Beaufort, Daniel; Oliot, Emilien; Lallemand, Serge E; Marcaillou, Boris; Philippon, Mélody; Cornée, Jean-jacques; Audemard, Franck A; Lebrun, Jean-frédéric; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Mercier De Lepinay, Bernard; Munch, Philippe; Garrocq, Clément; Boucart, Milton; Laigle, Mireille; Schenini, Laure; The Garanti Cruise Team,.
Based on an extensive seismic and multibeam dataset, 1-5 km wide giant polygons were identified at the bottom of the Grenada basin, covering a total area of ~55000 km². They represent the top part of an active underlying polygonal fault system due to the volumetric contraction of clay- and smectite-rich sediments during burial. To date, this is the widest area of outcropping polygonal faults ever found on Earth. The seabed polygons are bounded by rectilinear ~1000-1500 m wide and ~10-60 m deep furrows, depending on the location in the basin. They are relatively regular in the north Grenada Basin, whereas they are getting longer and more elongated in the south Grenada Basin. The polygonal faults consist in a set of discrete normal faults affecting...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2021 URL:
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MARNAUT 2017. Dive report ArchiMer
Henry, Pierre; Tryon, Mike; Bourlange, Sylvain; Geli, Louis; Zitter, Tiphaine; Bouloubassi, Ioanna; Burnard, Pete; Cagatay, M Namik; Chevalier, Nicolas; Gasperini, Luca; Gorur, Naci; Gerigk, Christoph; Leveque, Claude; Le Pichon, Xavier; Lopez-garcia, Purification; Massol, Alain; Mercier De Lepinay, Bernard; Natalin, Boris; Ozeren, Sinan; Pierre, Catherine; Ritt, Benedicte; Sengor, Am Celal; Ucarkus, Gulsen.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Tectonic expression of an active slab tear from high-resolution seismic and bathymetric data offshore Sicily (Ionian Sea) ArchiMer
Gutscher, Marc-andre; Dominguez, Stephane; Mercier De Lepinay, Bernard; Pinheiro, Luis; Gallais, Flora; Babonneau, Nathalie; Cattaneo, Antonio; Le Faou, Yann; Barreca, Giovanni; Micallef, Aaron; Rovere, Marzia.
Subduction of a narrow slab of oceanic lithosphere beneath a tightly curved orogenic arc requires the presence of at least one lithospheric scale tear fault. While the Calabrian subduction beneath southern Italy is considered to be the type example of this geodynamic setting, the geometry, kinematics and surface expression of the associated lateral, slab tear fault offshore eastern Sicily remain controversial. Results from a new marine geophysical survey conducted in the Ionian Sea, using high-resolution bathymetry and seismic profiling reveal active faulting at the seafloor within a 140 km long, two-branched fault system near Alfeo Seamount. The previously unidentified 60 km long NW trending North Alfeo Fault system shows primarily strike-slip kinematics...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Slab tear; Subduction; Mediterranean; Bathymetry; Seismics; Active faults.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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