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Les échanges internationaux de crevettes pénéidés vivantes entre les pays du Pacifique, de l'Atlantique et de l'Europe ArchiMer
Michel, Alain.
The tremendous development of penaeid shrimp culture across the world over the past twenty years has led to international trade in eggs, larvae and spawners of the best shrimp species for aquaculture. Trade has involved, in particular, the following species: - Penaeus japonicus from Japan to Europe, the Pacific Islands and South America - P. monodon from South-East Asia to almost all tropical countries - P. vannamei and P. stylirostris from countries along the Pacific coast of South and Central America to the United States of America, the islands of the South Pacific, countries along the Atlantic coast of the Americas and certain countries in Africa. In the 1980s, research conducted by American and French teams enabled the breeding of stocks of spawners in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquatic animals; International trade; Pathogens; Penaeid shrimps; Species transfer.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Situations et perspectives de l'aquaculture mondiale ArchiMer
Ferlin, Philippe; Michel, Alain; Paquotte, Philippe.
On a global scale, aquaculture produced around 17 million tonnes in 1991, compared with 11 million tonnes in 1985 and 6 million tonnes in 1975. Since the beginning of the 80s, this production increased by an average of 7.5% per year in volume, and more than 13% in value. This amount represents only 17 tonnes of the global volume of sea and fresh water products, but more than 25% of its value. On a worldwide scale, water products account for an important part of the animal product supply in human food. For example, aquaculture accounts for a larger part than ovine production and represents around 5% of the world's animal protein supply. Aquaculture is an activity that is still booming from a technological development point of view and should be one of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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