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Role of Tamm-Horsfall protein and uromodulin in calcium oxalate crystallization BJMBR
Carvalho,M.; Mulinari,R.A.; Nakagawa,Y..
One of the defenses against nephrolithiasis is provided by macromolecules that modulate the nucleation, growth, aggregation and retention of crystals in the kidneys. The aim of the present study was to determine the behavior of two of these proteins, Tamm-Horsfall and uromodulin, in calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro. We studied a group of 10 male stone formers who had formed at least one kidney stone composed of calcium oxalate. They were classified as having idiopathic nephrolithiasis and had no well-known metabolic risk factors involved in kidney stone pathogenesis. Ten normal men were used as controls, as was a group consisting of five normal women and another consisting of five pregnant women. Crystallization was induced by a fixed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tamm-Horsfall protein; Uromodulin; Calcium oxalate; Nephrolithiasis.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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