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Androgen Receptor Distribution, PAS and Alcyan Blue Reaction in the Vomeronasal Organ and the Nasal Septum Mucosa of the Developing Male Rat 77
Núñez Chichet,M E; Genovese,P; Bielli,A.
The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is a tubular chemoreceptory organ which detects environmental pheromones and is essential for mammalian normal reproductive activity. A sensitive chemoreceptory neuroepithelium lines the concave VNO wall and the opposite, convex wall is lined by a seudostratified, receptor-free epithelium. The secretion of the Jacobson glands (JG) -tubuloacinary glands lying in the lamina propia of the VNO - is essential for pheromones contacting vomeronasal organ chemoreceptors. Tubuloacinary glands lying in the connective tissue of the nasal septum mucosa (Bowman glands), can be classified as ventral and dorsal, according to their location. Positivity to PAS and Alcyan blue reactions and androgen receptor immunolocalization was evaluated with...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Vomeronasal organ; Chemoreception; Development; Histochemistry; Immunohistochemistry.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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