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Découverte par submersible de sulfures polymétalliques massifs sur la dorsale du Pacifique oriental, par 21°N (projet "Rita") ArchiMer
Francheteau, Jean; Needman, David; Choukroune, Pierre; Juteau, Thierry; Seguret, Michel; Ballard, Robert D.; Fox, Jeffery; Normark, William; Carranza, Arturo; Cordoba, Diego; Guerrero, José; Rangin, Claude; Bougault, Henri; Cambon, Pierre; Hekinian, Roger.
Massive zinc, copper and iron sulfide ore deposits have been found at the axis of the East Pacific Rise. Although several investigators had predicted their presence on the deep-ocean floor, there was no supporting observational evidence. The East Pacific Rise deposits represent an appealing modern analogue of Cyprustype ores associated with ophiolitic rocks on land. They contain up to about 29% zinc metal and up to at least nearly 3% metallic copper. Their discovery will provide a new focus for deep-sea exploration, leading to new assessments of the concentration of noble metals in the upper layers of the oceanic crust. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1978 URL:
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