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Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration capacity in Argentinean maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines Electron. J. Biotechnol.
González,Germán Andrés; Pacheco,María Gabriela; Oneto,Cecilia Décima; Etchart,Valeria J; Kandus,Mariana V; Salerno,Juan Carlos; Eyherabide,Guillermo; Presello,Daniel; Lewi,Dalia Marcela.
Somatic embryogenesis, which is still the method of choice for tissue culture, regeneration and transformation of maize, is largely considered highly genotype-dependent. The Hi II, a highly embryogenic genotype, has been extensively used in transformation protocols. However, this is not an inbred line; instead, it has a proportion of the undesirable A-188 background, and the progeny segregates for phenotypic characteristics and shows poor agronomic performance. In an effort to identify genotypes that combine a high somatic embryogenic response and good agronomic performance, we evaluated 48 advanced inbred lines developed at INTA. Callus development and somatic embryogenesis capacity were measured in 200 immature embryos per line. Embryogenic capacity [EC...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Callus; Inbred lines; Maize; Molecular markers; Regeneration; Somatic embryogenesis.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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