Fietz, Susanne; Martinez-garcia, Alfredo; Rueda, Gemma; Peck, Vicky L.; Huguet, Carme; Escala, Marina; Rosell-mele, Antoni. |
The concentrations of chlorins (chlorophyll transformation products indicative of phytoplankton production) and crenarchaeol (a marker for Crenarchaea abundance) are significantly positively correlated (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient r(s) > 0.75) in four core records from freshwater (Lake Baikal) and marine settings (Southern, Atlantic, and Arctic Oceans). This suggests a close relationship between Crenarchaea abundance and phytoplankton production. Degradation and transport mechanisms, as well as a common environmental trigger, may in part account for our observations, but these mechanisms alone cannot fully explain them. Instead our findings point to a metabolic dependence of Crenarchaea on resources released by phytoplankton, such as organic... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00230/34121/32603.pdf |
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