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Phytobiotic Activity of Piper Auritum and Ocimum Basilicum on Avian E. Coli Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Aguilar-Urquizo,E; Itza-Ortiz,MF; Sangines-Garcia,JR; Pineiro-Vázquez,AT; Reyes-Ramirez,A; Pinacho-Santana,B.
ABSTRACT Natural antimicrobials, known as phytobiotics, are used in bacterial infections. The objective of this study was to evaluatethe phytobiotic activity, in vitro and in vivo, of an extract and an essential oil of Piper auritum and Ocimum basilicum on avian Eschericia coli serotype O2 in broiler chickens experimentally infected. For the in vitro test, extracts at 4, 8, 12 and 16% in water-based solvent or alcohol at 70% were prepared from leaves of both plants. In the essential oils, solvents at 10% were used. A concentration of 1×108 CFU mL-1 of bacteria was seeded and on each sense disc, 25 µL of the extract or essential oil were poured, except on the positive or negative control. The diameter of the inhibition zone (DIZ) of bacterial growth was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Colibacillosis; Phytobiotic; Piper auritum; Ocimum basilicum.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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