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Cd, Cu, and Mn from Uruguay River Basin in Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil, and their toxicological potential for human leukocyte Biological Sciences
Costa, Gislaine Rezer; Rocha, Mariana Balhego; Querol, Marcus Vinicius Morini; Dal Magro, Jacir; Machado, Michel Mansur; Oliveira, Luís Flávio Souza de.
This study assessed the limnology from the Medium Uruguay River Basin in Uruguaiana, Brazil, with a focus on the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, and Mn), to assess the toxicological potential (cytotoxicity and genotoxicity) for humans using as biological matrix of study human leukocyte cells. The conductivity, resistivity, and dissolved O2 levels exceeded the limits recommended by the National Environmental Council (Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente - CONAMA). The percentage of non-viable human leukocyte cells exposed to water samples was approximately 20% higher than that of the negative control (<3%), but similar to the positive control. The DNA damage index was high for all heavy metal concentrations assayed when compared to the negative...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ecotoxicology; Genotoxicity; Limnology; Heavy metals; Uruguay River Basin Ecotoxicologia.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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