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Dimethoate degradation in plants and during processing of yerba maté leaves BABT
Schmalko,Miguel E.; Ramallo,Laura A.; Ferreira,Darío; Berlingheri,Rubén D..
The objective of this research was to study degradation kinetics of dimethoate in plants of Ilex paraguariensis Saint Hilaire (or yerba maté) and during its processing. To determine dimethoate concentration, a capillary gas chromatography technique with a mass selective detector was used. Half-life times in plants ranked between 9.8 and 11.8 days. During processing, with a blanching and two drying steps, dimethoate concentration decayed to a 22.7% of its initial value (in dry basis); while during seasoning step (at 45°C), half-life time was 17.3 days. With these values, preharvest safety interval was determined.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dimethoate; Pesticide; Degradation; Processing; Ilex paraguariensis; Yerba maté.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Rate of water loss and sugar uptake during the osmotic dehydration of pineapple BABT
Ramallo,Laura A.; Mascheroni,Rodolfo H..
Water loss, sucrose gain and the variation in concentration of other natural fruit sugars (glucose and fructose) were studied during osmotic dehydration of pineapple slices (0.6 mm thick) in sucrose solution (60 % w/w) at three temperatures (30, 40 and 50ºC). As temperature increased from 30 to 50ºC, the apparent moisture and sucrose diffusivities (Dw and Ds) increased 3.8 and 2.8 times, respectively; therefore, the dehydration efficiency index (Dw/Ds) increased with temperature. The loss of glucose and fructose increased with temperature too. It was found that the solute content was a linear function of the moisture content and this relation was independent of the temperature during the first 600 minutes of dehydration.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Osmotic Dehydration; Pineapple; Sugars Content; Concentration Profiles.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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