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A photographic survey of a population of the stalked crinoid Diplocrinus (Annacrinus) wyvillethomsoni (Echinodermata) from the bathyal slope of the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Conan, Gérard; Roux, Michel; Sibuet, Myriam.
During the 1973 cruise of the BIOGAS deep-sea program, a series of 83 frames showing a high population density of the isocrinid stalked crinoid Diplocrinus (Annacrinus) wyvillethomsoni was obtained from a depth of 1246 m on the bathyal slope of the Bay of Biscay. The spatial distribution of D. wyvillethomsoni appears to be highly aggregated. Mean density is 0.61 m-² with confidence limits determined as 0.53 and 0.69 m-², ranging up to 8 or 10 specimens m-² on a sea floor with pebbles and rocks. D. wyvillethomsoni forms a parabolic filtration fan with its arms strongly recurved into the current. The distal group of cirri grips pebbles or the sharp upper edges of rocks. This active mode of anchorage contrasts with the passive mode in other genera of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Etapes de l'organisation microstructurale chez Calyptogena magnifica Boss et Turner, bivalve à croissance rapide des sources hydrothermales océaniques ArchiMer
Fatton, Elisabeth; Roux, Michel.
Microstructural study of the shell of a C. magnifica specimen collected near the thermal vents discovered on the East Pacific Rise at 21°N reveals an ontogenetic process leading from a granulor to various crossed structural types, differing from one region to another. Furthermore, during growth, reperitive structural changes occur within each of the tWO main shell layers. The structural type developed seems to be related to growth rate and environmental fluctuations. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Découverte de sites à Crinoïdes pédonculés (genres Diplocrinus et Proisocrinus) au large de Tahiti ArchiMer
Roux, Michel.
On several stations off Tahiti (mid-Pacific ocean) between 980 and 1 135 m depth, two species of stalked Crinoids (Echinodermata) were found : Diplocrinus alternicirrus and Proisocrinus ruberrimus. New details are given about the description and the variability of these species, with a discussion about their biogeography. Deep sea photographs show new evidence of their ecology. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Modalités de croissance et microstructure de la coquille de Calyptogena (Vesicomyidae, Lamellibranches), en relation avec les sources hydrothermales océaniques. ArchiMer
Fatton, Elisabeth; Roux, Michel.
Large bivalves of the genus Calyptogena (Vesicomyidae) have recently been discovered on the East Pacific Rise at 21°N, near submarine hydrorhermal springs. Preliminary results of a study of shell microstructure and growth are given. The growth lines which are present do not show either continuity on the whole of the shell, or any evidence Of regular periodicity. In this unusual deep-sea environment, growth could be more or less continuous, in relation with the hydrothermal activity and its fluctuations. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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Les Crinoïdes pédonculés (Echinodermes) photographiés sur les dorsales océaniques de l'Atlantique et du Pacifique. Implications biogéographiques ArchiMer
Roux, Michel.
Deep sea photographs of mid oceanic ridges taken by Famous and Cyamex expeditions show frequent stalked crinoids (Echinodermata, Crinoidea, families Hyocrinidae and Bathycrinidae). Several new species are observed. Mid oceanic ridges are important in biogeography as migration axis, and as ways for colonization of abyssal plains. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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