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SELEDRAG : Etude comparative de la sélectivité des dragues à coquilles Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus ArchiMer
Foucher, Eric; Quinquis, Jerome; Ton, Caroline.
The SELEDRAG project was conducted in French territorial waters in May 2019. It was a short project, lead by the CNPMEM (French National Committee for Marine Fisheries), with Ifremer as scientific partner, and funded by “France Filière Pêche”. The context of the project is the French King Scallop fishery in the Eastern Channel, where 720 fishing boats are directly concerned by this species. Despite its importance, there is very little management for this species at the European level, but several binding rules for French fishermen in order to protect the stock, are not applicable to other countries. One of the French specificity is the ring size used, 92mm for all Scallop fisheries in France vs 85mm (or less) for UK fisheries. Another sharp divergence is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coquille Saint-Jacques; Pecten maximus; Manche Est; Baie de Seine; Sélectivité des dragues; Coquille Saint-Jacques; Pecten maximus; Manche Est; Baie de Seine; Sélectivité des dragues.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Structure et dynamique de la biodiversité halieutique dans les eaux guyanaises - Projet STUDY - Rapport Final ArchiMer
Ton, Caroline; Magraoui, Amira; Blanchard, Fabian; Baulier, Loic; Andre, Herve; Grigoletto, Florent; Mansuy, Emmanuel.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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