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Systemic inflammatory and stress markers in cattle and sheep submitted to different reproductive procedures Ciência Rural
Costa,Vitória Gasperin Guazzelli; Vieira,Arnaldo Diniz; Schneider,Augusto; Rovani,Monique Tomazele; Gonçalves,Paulo Bayard Dias; Gasperin,Bernardo Garziera.
ABSTRACT: Previous studies have evaluated the effects of different reproductive procedures on discomfort markers in sheep and cattle. Such studies may help stimulate the adoption of techniques that are more beneficial for animal welfare. However, markers that are commonly used to evaluate discomfort are highly influenced by external factors. To overcome this, several systemic markers can be evaluated to more precisely identify stress, pain, and inflammation. Such markers include cortisol, acute phase proteins, bradykinin, and substance P. We aimed to review the potential markers of stress, pain, and inflammation, and discuss how and when they are regulated after different stimuli related to reproductive procedures in cattle and sheep. Furthermore, we...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acute phase proteins; Cortisol; Discomfort; Reproductive techniques.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Vacuum-cooled liquid nitrogen increases the developmental ability of vitrified-warmed bovine oocytes Ciência Rural
Santos,Rodrigo Marques dos; Barreta,Marcos Henrique; Frajblat,Marcel; Cucco,Diego Córdova; Mezzalira,Joana Claudia; Bunn,Silvério; Cruz,Fabiano Buss; Vieira,Arnaldo Diniz; Mezzalira,Alceu.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of vacuum-cooled liquid nitrogen on the development of vitrified immature (germinal vesicle stage; GV) and mature (metaphase II; MII) bovine oocytes after re-warming. Liquid nitrogen was exposed to either atmospheric pressure or to a vacuum (300mm Hg for 45sec); the latter decreased the temperature of the liquid nitrogen to -200°C. Partially denuded oocytes were vitrified either just after selection (GV) or after 22 hours of in vitro maturation (MII) in TCM 199 medium + 10% of estrous mare serum. For vitrification, oocytes were firstly exposed to an intermediate solution (10% EG + 10% DMSO) for 30sec, followed by the vitrification solution (20% EG + 20% DMSO + 0.5M sucrose) for 20sec. Groups of three...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitrification; Cryopreservation; Oocytes; Bovine; Vacuum.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Microbiological and functional evaluation of an alternative device (OB®) for estrous synchronization in ewes Ciência Rural
Martins,Leonardo Tondello; Santos Neto,Pedro Claudino dos; Gaudêncio Neto,Saul; Rauber,Lúcio Pereira; Bertolini,Marcelo; Vieira,Arnaldo Diniz; Mezzalira,Alceu.
The use of synthetic progestagens released by vaginal devices is an important tool to overcome the reproductive seasonality in sheep, but cost and/or subsequent vaginitis are limiting factors for their use. To identify economic, simple and innocuous alternative vaginal devices for estrous synchronization/induction protocols in sheep, this study aimed to evaluate the microbiological and functional viability of the human vaginal tampons (OB®) impregnated with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) on reproductive performance of ewes. The study compared them with commercial vaginal inserts (CIDR®) and polyurethane sponges impregnated with MAP. In Experiment 1, the device loss rate, the degree of vaginitis during the device removal, the count and identification of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Intra-vaginal device; CIDR®; Sponge; Progestin; Vaginitis; Ewe.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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