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Venom Diversity and Evolution in the Most Divergent Cone Snail Genus Profundiconus ArchiMer
Fassio, Giulia; Modica, Maria Vittoria; Mary, Lou; Zaharias, Paul; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Gorson, Juliette; Kantor, Yuri I.; Holford, Mandё; Puillandre, Nicolas.
Profundiconus is the most divergent cone snail genus and its unique phylogenetic position, sister to the rest of the family Conidae, makes it a key taxon for examining venom evolution and diversity. Venom gland and foot transcriptomes of Profundiconus cf. vaubani and Profundiconus neocaledonicus were de novo assembled, annotated, and analyzed for differential expression. One hundred and thirty-seven venom components were identified from P. cf. vaubani and 82 from P. neocaledonicus, with only four shared by both species. The majority of the transcript diversity was composed of putative peptides, including conotoxins, profunditoxins, turripeptides, insulin, and prohormone-4. However, there were also a significant percentage of other putative venom components...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conidae; Conotoxins; Turripeptides; Transcriptome; Venom gland.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Just the once will not hurt: DNA suggests species lumping over two oceans in deep-sea snails (Cryptogemma) ArchiMer
Zaharias, Paul; Kantor, Yuri, I; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Criscione, Francesco; Hallan, Anders; Kano, Yasunori; Bardin, Jeremie; Puillandre, Nicolas.
The practice of species delimitation using molecular data commonly leads to the revealing of species complexes and an increase in the number of delimited species. In a few instances, however, DNA-based taxonomy has led to lumping together of previously described species. Here, we delimit species in the genus Cryptogemma (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Turridae), a group of deep-sea snails with a wide geographical distribution, primarily by using the mitochondrial COI gene. Three approaches of species delimitation (ABGD, mPTP and GMYC) were applied to define species partitions. All approaches resulted in eight species. According to previous taxonomic studies and shell morphology, 23 available names potentially apply to the eight Cryptogemma species that were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Species delimitation; Species description; ABGD; GMYC; PTP; Deep-sea species; Larval dispersal; Cosmopolitan species.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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