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Commercialization of Agriculture Under Population Pressure: Effects on Production, Consumption, and Nutrition in Rwanda AgEcon
von Braun, Joachim; de Haen, Hartwig; Blanken, Juergen.
Rapid population growth in agroecologies that are already under high population pressure poses a major challenge for development policy. It becomes an even greater challenge in complex agroecologies where little new technology for rapid agricultural expansion is available. The mountain zones of the Zaire-Nile Divide in Central Africa present an example of such a challenging environment where agriculture has encroached onto marginal zones, that is, water catchment areas and the last tropical forests of the area. This study by von Braun, de Haen, and Blanken highlights the potentials of agricultural development for the employment, income, and consumption of the poor, but also stresses that nonagricultural rural growth and employment expansion are key to...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agriculture and State; Rwanda; Produce trade; Government policy; Exports; Food supply; Nutrition policy; Population; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; International Development.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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The Economics of Natural Disasters - Implications and Challenges for Food Security AgEcon
de Haen, Hartwig; Hemrich, Gunter.
A large and growing share of the world's poor lives under conditions in which high hazard risk coincides with high vulnerability. In the last decade, natural disasters claimed 79,000 lives each year and affected more than 200 million people, with damages amounting to almost US $ 70 billion annually. Experts predict that disasters will become even more frequent and their impact more severe, expecting a five-fold global cost increase over the next fifty years, mainly due to climate change and a further concentration of the world's population in vulnerable habitats. The paper argues that in order to mitigate disaster impact on poor population groups, development policy and disaster management need to become mutually supportive. Focusing on challenges...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food Security and Poverty; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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