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Correlation of Skull Size and Brain Volume, with Age, Weight, Height and Body Mass Index of Arak Medical Sciences Students International Journal of Morphology
Bayat,Parvin-Dokht; Ghanbari,Ali; Sohouli,Pardis; Amiri,Sara; Sari-Aslani,Payam.
Anthropometric indices that are indicators of nutrition status in children and adults can be affected by racial and geographic factors. The aim of present study was to investigate the relation of skull size and brain volume of Arak University of Medical Sciences students with their age, weight, height and body mass index. The present study was a cross-sectional study on 18-26 years old students of Arak University of Medical Sciences (150 female and 136 male) in 2009-2010 educational year. Sampling methods were probability and multi-stage methods which were performed using students' educational file and interviewing the subjects. Questions regarding anthropometric data (height, weight, age, body mass index and skull index) were included in the personal...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anthropometry; Body Mass Index (BMI); Skull Index; Iran.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Prenatal Water Deprivation Induces Apoptosis in Sexual Dimorphic Nucleus of the Brain of Male New Born Sprague-Dawley Rats International Journal of Morphology
Chehreie,Shima; Sadri,Soheil; Khazaei,Mozafar; Ghanbari,Ali; Ayubian,Mahmood; Amiri,Sara.
Considering the size of some nuclei and area, sex hormones control the sexual development of the brain. The sexual development of the brain can also be influenced by environmental stress. This study aimed to clear the effect of prenatal water deprivation on the development of sexual dimorphic nucleus (SDN) of the brain. In this research, pregnant rats were divided into two groups (control and treated). For the treated animals, water was removed from the ewes for 48 h at the end of third trimester of gestation (19-21 days). TUNEL staining was used for detection of apoptosis in paraffin embedded diencephalon selected sections. The ratio of apoptotic cells to non- apoptotic ones was calculated as apoptotic index. Differences of apoptotic index and serum...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Rat; SDN nucleus; Stress; TUNEL.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Age at Menarche and Related Factors in Girlsof Urban Areas of Markazi (Central) Province of Iran International Journal of Morphology
Bayat,ParvinDokht; Ghanbari,Ali; Khazaei,Mozafar; Ghorbani,Rostam; Amiri,Sara.
The age at menarche is an indicator of racial, geographical and nutritional patterns of different societies. This cross-sectional study conducted on 1223 girls aged 14-20 in the Markazi (Central) Province, Iran in 2010. In this research, the age at menarche, as the main variable, was determined for each city and compared between different cities. The statistical analyses included c2 test for determining statistically significant differences, variance analysis for determining the difference between groups, and Pearson correlation coefficient for determining the relationship between variables. The average age of first menstruation was 13.21±1.33 years in the Markazi Province, with no significant difference among the cities of the province. This age is...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fertility; Growth; Iran; Menarche.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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