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Improvement of late blight management in organic potato production systems in Europe: field tests with more resistant potato varieties and copper based fungicides Organic Eprints
Speiser, B.; Tamm, L.; Amsler, T.; Lambion, J.; Bertrand, C.; Hermansen, A.; Ruissen, M. A.; Haaland, P.; Zarb, J.; Santos, J.; Shotton, P.; Wilcockson, S.; Juntharathep, P.; Ghorbani, R.; Leifert, C..
Late blight of potatoes, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is particularly difficult to prevent or control in organic agriculture. In this study, the host resistance of selected varieties to foliar and tuber blight and their yield under organic growing conditions were assessed in trials carried out in four countries (Switzerland, France, England and Norway) in 2001 and 2002. The objective was to identify new, more resistant varieties which might replace some of the more susceptible varieties which are currently grown in organic agriculture. In each country, five test varieties were compared with two reference varieties, identical for all sites, and with two locally popular varieties. In addition, the effect of copper fungicides was assessed for all...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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