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Influence of periphyton substrates and rearing density on Liza aurata growth and production in marine nursery ponds 5
Richard, Marion; Maurice, Julien-thomas; Anginot, Aurore; Paticat, Francois; Verdegem, M. C. J.; Hussenot, Jerome.
The main objectives of this investigation were to test the effects of (i) the presence of periphyton substrates, (ii) rearing density and (iii) supplemental feeding with dry feed on the growth and production of golden mullet (Liza aurata) juveniles. Twenty-six 1 m(2)-cages were installed in a French marine pond from April till June 2008. Mullets were stocked in cages with or without substrate at a density of 0, 20,40 or 60 individuals per cage. Each treatment was carried out in triplicate. In addition, 20 fish were put in three tanks and fed ad libitum with dry feed. The results showed that (i) although mullets were seen to graze on periphyton substrates, their presence did not affect,mullet growth and production. In future studies, meshed substrates could...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Periphyton; Mullet; Extensive aquaculture; Artificial substrate; Marine pond.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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