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Structure and Dynamics of the Ras al Hadd Oceanic Dipole in the Arabian Sea 5
Ayouche, Adam; De Marez, Charly; Morvan, Mathieu; L'Hegaret, Pierre; Carton, Xavier; Le Vu, Briac; Stegner, Alexandre.
The Ras al Hadd oceanic dipole is a recurrent association of a cyclone (to the northeast) and of an anticyclone (to the southwest), which forms in summer and breaks up at the end of autumn. It lies near the Ras al Hadd cape, southeast of the Arabian peninsula. Its size is on the order of 100 km. Along the axis of this dipole flows an intense jet, the Ras al Had jet. Using altimetric data and an eddy detection and tracking algorithm (AMEDA: Angular Momentum Eddy Detection and tracking Algorithm), we describe the life cycle of this oceanic dipole over a year (2014–2015). We also use the results of a numerical model (HYCOM, the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) simulation, and hydrological data from ARGO profilers, to characterize the vertical structure of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ras al hadd oceanic dipole; Arabian sea; Cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies; Altimetric data; Angular momentum eddy detection and tracking algorithm (AMEDA); HYCOM model; ARGO floats.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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