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Abundance and diversity of soil mites of fragmented habitats in a biosphere reserve in Southern Nigeria PAB
Soil samples were collected from the top 7.5 cm of soil in a Strict Natural Reserve (SNR), a surrounding buffer zone, a cassava farm and matured plantations of Gmelina, teak, and pine, so as to determine if plantation establishment and intensive cultivation affect the density and diversity of soil mites. Altogether, 41 taxonomic groups of mites were identified. The diversity and densities of mites in within the SNR, the buffer zone and the Gmelina were more than the diversity and densities in the cassava farm, teak and pine plantations. Each plantation had its own unique community structure which was different from the community structure in the SNR plot. The SNR plot and Gmelina were dominated by detritivorous cryptostigmatid mites unlike teak and pine...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cassava; Gmelina; Plantations; Soil fauna; Intensive farming.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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