Bretagnolle, Vincent; Benoit, Marc; Bonnefond, Mathieu; Breton, Vincent; Church, Jon M.; Gaba, Sabrina; Gilbert, Daniel; Gillet, François; Glatron, Sandrine; Guerbois, Chloé; Lamouroux, Nicolas; Lebouvier, Marc; Mazé, Camille; Mouchel, Jean-marie; Ouin, Annie; Pays, Olivier; Piscart, Christophe; Ragueneau, Olivier; Servain, Sylvie; Spiegelberger, Thomas; Fritz, Hervé. |
Many social-ecological system(SES)-based approaches have been proposed to address environmental problems. Most social-ecological frameworks developed to date, however, lack clear operational linkages between humans and nature to efficiently guide SESs toward resilience. A conceptual framework designed to be operational is therefore necessary, as well as a network of research platforms with which to apply it. We defined explicit coupling processes that can be used as leverages to pilot an SES toward sustainability. We proposed to formalize an SES as a dynamic entity composed of two coupling interfaces, i.e., adaptive management and ecosystem services, both set within a landscape context to provide an actionable framework. These interfaces describe the way... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Adaptive governance; Ecosystem services; Landscape; LTER; Management; Practices; Research infrastructure; Social-ecological systems; Sustainability. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00588/70032/67950.pdf |
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Boisdon, Isabelle; Benoit, Marc. |
The compared energy analysis of various farming systems makes it possible to carry out an approach of their sustainability through their faculty to produce energy in the form of livestock or vegetable products, while limiting the resort to non renewable energies. This study was carried out from the results of 38 farms in meat sheep and dairy cow production including 13 in organic farming. It focuses on livestock production, being acquired that the presence of cash crops raises considerably the energy effi-ciency. The main energy expenditure are the bought food, fertilisers and mechanization. The average en-ergy efficiency of the dairy cow farms is 0.59 and there is no difference between organic and conven-tional farming. In sheep production, the average is... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/7178/1/boisdon_benoit_JOC2006.pdf |
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Benoit, Marc; Tournadre, Hervé; Dulphy, Jean-Pierre; Cabaret, Jacques; Prache, Sophie. |
Two sheep flocks were managed organically for two years from conversion under different lambing strategies (1 lambing/year vs. 3 lambings every two years). The second system was tested because pf a producer’s interest in high productivity, which is a guarantee of good economic results in conventional production.. Reproduction, feeding, lamb production, carcass quality, health (particularly internal parasitism), economic return of the flock, grass production, and pasture biodiversity were evaluated. The lambs were bred with low therapeutic inputs. No economic advantage of increasing lambing frequency was demonstrated, whereas this strategy complicated management and resulted in higher internal parasitic infection of the lambs, and finally showed lower... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Production systems. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/4314/4/4314%2DBenoit_etal_4p_revised%2Ded.pdf |
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Dakpo, Hervé; LAIGNEL, Gabriel; Benoit, Marc. |
The environmental impact of livestock is an important issue, and organic farming (OF) is particularly questioned about greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. This study aims at comparing GHG emissions and non-renewable energy consumption in meat sheep production, in OF and conventional farming systems. These two criteria have been calculated ex-post on 1261 French year-farms monitored over 26 years. The functional unit used is the carcass weight and allocation between meat and wool is mass based. Regarding GHG emissions, the results show that organic farms emits 5% less GHG than conventional ones, with a higher proportion of methane and less indirect CO2 associated to less inputs use. Given the methodological difficulties, it is hard to argue if carbon... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions; Sheep and goats. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/24340/1/24340%20Herve%20Dakpo%202014-01_MM.pdf |
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Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Benoit, Marc; Blanc, Mathilde; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Moerman, Marie; Mosnier, Claire; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Werne, Steffen; Winckler, Christoph. |
Diversification of farming systems has been proposed as a major mechanism to address the many sustainability issues of modern industrial agriculture. Keeping two or more animal species or breeds (e.g. dairy cattle and beef cattle) simultaneously on the same farm is a diversification option that has received little attention to date. Moreover, most studies of multi-species livestock farming are partial, focus on specific dimensions of farm sustainability and address lower organizational levels, (i.e. within the farm). Thus, holistic assessment of potential benefits of multi-species livestock farming for farm sustainability is lacking. In this context, we synthesized potential benefits and limitations of multi-species livestock farming for farm... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Animal husbandry. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/36605/1/Review%20MSLF_VF-EdJ.docx |
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