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Catalogue of the non-marine Mollusca of Sumatra and of its satellite islands Naturalis
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van.
The following account of the non-marine Mollusca of the Island of Sumatra, the second largest of the Greater Sunda Islands (surface 440.000 km2) is based on the following collections: 1. Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, including the material collected by Prof. Max Weber, Dr. L. P. de Bussy, Jhr. Dr. F. C. van Heurn, Prof. J. C. van der Meer Mohr, Dr. E. Jacobson, and many others. 2. Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. 3. Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor (Java). 4. Naturhistorisches Museum, Basle (Switzerland). 5. Zoologisches Museum, Zürich (Switzerland). 6. Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva (Switzerland). 7. Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main (Germany). 8. Mr. J. P. van Niel, who lived in Sumatra from 1951 to 1956 and made great...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1959 URL:
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Dr. Hendrik Engel. Zoologist and Historian, Curator and Professor Naturalis
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van.
Hendrik Engel was born February 2nd, 1898 at Koog-aan-de-Zaan (Netherlands) and received his school education at the H.B.S. of Zaandam where Dr. K. Kuiper was his teacher of Natural History. After his final examination he passed additional examinations in Latin and Greek. In 1917 he was called up for military service and served as an ensign till armistice day, November 11th, 1918.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1968 URL:
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Ornamental shell festoons of the Oostkerk at Middelburg Naturalis
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van.
Two sculptured shell festoons at the exterior of the Oostkerk (built 1647—1667) at Middelburg (Netherlands) are regarded as an expression of the 17th century admiration for the works of Nature, as is equally evident from pictures and poetry of that era.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1968 URL:
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Zoological Results of a Collecting Journey to Yugoslavia, 1954. 3. Süsswassermollusken mit Ausnahme der Sphaeriidae Naturalis
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van.
Vom 28. April bis dem 12. Juni unternahmen einige biologische Studenten der Amsterdamer Universität eine zoologische Sammelreise nach Jugoslawien. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wurden auch reichlich Mollusken gesammelt, sowohl Meeresmollusken, als auch Land- und Süsswassermollusken. Über die marinen und terrestrischen Mollusken soll an anderer Seite berichtet werden. In den folgenden Zeilen werden nur die Süsswassermollusken berücksichtigt, mit Ausnahme der Pisidien, welche von dem Spezialisten dieser Gruppe, Herrn J. G. J. KUIPER, bearbeitet werden sollen. Es handelt sich in meinem Aufsatz also nur um die Gastropoden, die Najaden und die Gattung Dreissena.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1957 URL:
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A brief history of the conchological collections at the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam, with some reflections on 18th century schell cabinets and their proprietors, on the occasion of the centenary of the Royal Zoological Society “Natura Artis Magistra” Naturalis
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van.
At the time when the Royal Zoological Society Natura Artis Magistra known in Holland as “Artis” was founded in 1838 the ground for the study of malacology lay already well prepared. For ever since the days when the early Dutch seafarers explored the commercial routes to East and to West, all kinds of curiosities and natural history objects found their way to the motherland, brought back by the homebound sailors.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Zaden van Entada gigas (L.) Fawcett et Rendle op het strand bij Domburg Naturalis
Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. van; Leenhouts, P.W..
The author mentions the finding of a great number of seeds of the tropical Entada gigas (L.) Fawcett et Rendle in november 1976 along the beach of Walcheren (prov. of Zeeland) and supposes that the seeds are probably a part from a ship-load or transported on long distance by the sea. In a postscriptum Dr. Leenhouts is of the opinion that Gulfstream transport is highly improbable, the more so as the seeds of Entada gigas are apparently used pharmaceutically.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1977 URL:
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