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African humid periods triggered the reactivation of a large river system in Western Sahara ArchiMer
Skonieczny, Charlotte; Paillou, P.; Bory, A.; Bayon, Germain; Biscara, L.; Crosta, X.; Eynaud, F.; Malaize, B.; Revel, M.; Aleman, N.; Barusseau, J-p.; Vernet, R.; Lopez, S.; Grousset, F..
The Sahara experienced several humid episodes during the late Quaternary, associated with the development of vast fluvial networks and enhanced freshwater delivery to the surrounding ocean margins. In particular, marine sediment records off Western Sahara indicate deposition of river-borne material at those times, implying sustained fluvial discharges along the West African margin. Today, however, no major river exists in this area; therefore, the origin of these sediments remains unclear. Here, using orbital radar satellite imagery, we present geomorphological data that reveal the existence of a large buried paleodrainage network on the Mauritanian coast. On the basis of evidence from the literature, we propose that reactivation of this major paleoriver...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Monsoon-driven Saharan dust variability over the past 240,000 years ArchiMer
Skonieczny, C.; Mcgee, D.; Winckler, G.; Bory, A.; Bradtmiller, L. I.; Kinsley, C. W.; Polissar, P. J.; De Pol-holz, R.; Rossignol, L.; Malaizé, B..
Reconstructions of past Saharan dust deposition in marine sediments provide foundational records of North African climate over time scales of 103 to 106 years. Previous dust records show primarily glacial-interglacial variability in the Pleistocene, in contrast to other monsoon records showing strong precessional variability. Here, we present the first Saharan dust record spanning multiple glacial cycles obtained using 230Th normalization, an improved method of calculating fluxes. Contrary to previous data, our record from the West African margin demonstrates high correlation with summer insolation and limited glacial-interglacial changes, indicating coherent variability in the African monsoon belt throughout the late Pleistocene. Our results demonstrate...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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