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Première approche de la dynamique d'une population de Temora Longicornis O.F. Müler (Copepoda, Calanoida) dans les bassins à flot du port de Dunkerque (France) ArchiMer
Brylinski, Jm.
The wet docks of Dunkirk are 3 to 4 degrees Celcius warmer than the seaboard waters of the North Sea. Such warmth is due to thermic industrial was­te mainly from the E.D.F. power-station. A thermic and saline stratification can be observed that favours heterogeneousness among the populations of Temora lon- gicomis. The samples of copepods taken from the North Sea are significantly bigger than those found in the port of Dunkirk. Differences in size vary in the course of the year. The action of high temperatures upon reproduction is being debated j so is the existence of an autochtonous population in the docks in sum­mer.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Temora longicornis; Milieu portuaire; Température; Biométrie; Dynamique; Temora longicornis; Harbour; Temperature; Biometry; Dynamic.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Conditions hydrobiologiques au large du Cap Gris-Nez (France) - premiers résultats ArchiMer
Brylinski, Jm; Dupont, J; Bentley, D.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Méthode de détection des gradients faunistiques : les courbes FCT. Répartition du zooplancton au large du Cap Gris-Nez (France) ArchiMer
Brylinski, Jm.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Fronts hydrologiques au large des côtes françaises : Les sites-ateliers de programme Frontal ArchiMer
Sournia, A; Brylinski, Jm; Dallot, S; Lecorre, P; Leveau, M; Prieur, L; Froget, C.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Rôle du plancton dans le cycle biogéochimique du cadmium et du vanadium en baie de Seine orientale : premiers résultats ArchiMer
Miramand, P; Bentley, D; Guary, Jc; Brylinski, Jm.
Cd and V were analyzed in planktonic species (zooplankton and diatoms), in flocks and in total seston (suspended materials) collected at eleven stations for seven sampling periods in the eastern area of the bay of Seine. Cd concentrations measured in planktonic species of the bay of Seine are identical to those measured in other oceanic areas, but V concentrations are generally higher. In the conditions of sampling, the role of both planktonic species and flocks in the horizontal fluxes of Cd and V in the bay of Seine appears not to be important (Cd) or negligible (V) compared to non-living materials (tripton). Nevertheless, this study should be continued in periods of diatom blooms. Flocks which present high Cd and V concentration probably have an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PLANKTON; CD; V; BAY OF SEINE.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Plankton transfers and coastal front in the dover strait ArchiMer
Brylinski, Jm; Aelbrecht, D.
Zooplankton and current studies were carried out in the coastal front of the Dover Strait. We show that the maintenance of both offshore and inshore planktonic communities is due to two coupled phenomena: 1) the residual drift of water differs in the upper and in the deeper waters; and 2) the vertical distribution of plankton differs for inshore and offshore species. In the frontal area, the coastal species remain in the lower water layer where the residual drift is landward. Conversely, the offshore species remain in the upper water layer where the residual drift is seaward.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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