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Ascophrys rodor (Campillo and Deroux) parasite of the reared common prawn P. serratus). ArchiMer
Deroux, G.; Campillo, Albert; Bradbury, Ph. C..
A disease whose severity seems directly bound to conditions of cultivation can cause a heavy mortality in the common prawn Palaemon serratus (Pennant) at molting. The causative agent, A. rodor, is a ciliate, a common external parasite whose life cycle is adapted to the molting cycle of the shrimp. The principal factors favorable to the development of the parasite were studied: age of the host, water temp, numbers of shrimps as a function of the quantity of water and its renewal. The sp A. rodor, although related to the Conidophryidae, Kirby, 1941 (1936) has significant differences (1) in its ethology (it feeds on the exoskeleton without penetrating to its hosts' tissues), (2) in its vegetative multiplication (tomitogenesis combines the cortical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Askoella heliostoma; Askoella janssoni; Conidiphrys; Terebrospira lenticularis; Palaemon varians; Palaemon serratus; Ascophrys rodor; Parasitic diseases; Parasites; Rearing.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Contribution à l'étude de la crevette rose Palaemon serratus (Pennant) : Exploitation, Biologie, Elevage, Epidémiologie ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert.
This these is the result of several years of investigations conducted on the common prawn Palaemon serratus in the Roscoff (northern Brittany) and Yeu (bay of Biscay) sectors of the French Atlantic coast. Following a description of the fishery and fishing strategies, it deals with the species biological aspects, focusing on growth, lifespan, sex-ratio and breeding. Hypotheses on the reasons for apparent variations in interannual abundance are drawn up and compared with field observations. The second part is devoted to production experiments in a controlled environment (hatchery), explaining how larvae are obtained and their development and survival with respect to food, density and physical parameters like salinity and temperature. The link between...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shrimp farm; Larval development; Sex ratio; Breeding; Growth; Fishery; Palaemon serratus; Common prawn; Elevage; Développement larvaire; Sex ratio; Reproduction; Croissance; Pêche; Palaemon serratus; Crevette rose.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Contribution a l'etude de l'elevage de la crevette rose Palaemon serratus (Pennant) en captivite. ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert.
The growth of post-larval P. serratus has been studied until the appearance of secondary sexual characters, in order to eliminate the influence of sex ratio on the mean wt. The influence of temp on intermolt period and number of molts was observed in male and female kept individually. Different sorts of food of natural origin have been tested. The rearing of post-larval lots metamorphosed at different times of the yr showed that the growth of P. serratus is conditioned not only by the temp, but also by the season. The food conversion ratio was defined in relation to the sex and age of the prawns. Shelters allowed the author to obtain a ratio of survival which varied post-larvae per square meter. The sex ratio established from several breedings as soon as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phaeodactylum tricornutum; Tetraselmis suecica; Artemia; Palaemon serratus; Crustacean culture; Larval development; Larvae; Induced breeding; Hatching; Controlled conditions; Laboratory culture; Rearing.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Donnees pratiques sur l'elevage au laboratoire des larves de Palaemon serratus (Pennant) ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert.
The main factors conditioning the larval development of P. serratus have been studied in the Marine Station at Roscoff. Several types of natural diets have been tested. The nauplii of Artemia salina remain the most practical food. However, it was necessary to verify that a diet of Artemia permits development to a normal mysis. In these experiments, only Artemia originating in California, gave satisfactory results (84.5% viable post-larval shrimps). The most favorable density of larvae during cultivation was between 50 and 100/1. The larvae of P. serratus resisted very wide and sudden variations in salinity. However, when the salinity was <12 ppt, there was 100% mortality. The maximal survival of post-larval shrimp was at 25 ppt. The temp had an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus Crangon crangon Fucus spiralis Artemia salina Penaeus monodon Penaeus duorarum Penaeus kerathurus Penaeus orientalis Palaemon serratus Artificial feeding Larval development; Larvae Crustacean culture Laboratory culture; Rearing.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Evolution des acides nucleiques au cours du developpement larvaire de la crevette rose Palaemon serratus (Pennant). ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Regnault, M.; Luquet, P..
The evolution of nucleic acids in larvae of P. serratus reared in the laboratory from hatching to metamorphosis has been studied. From the 1st larval stage to the post-larval stage, DNA and RNA concn decrease: from 185 to 95 uMoles-bases/g PSD for DNA and from 133.5 to 78.75 uMoles-bases for RNA. The concn decrease is not regular; it is emphasized between stages 4 and 5 on the one hand, and between stage 7 and the post-larva on the other hand. The amount of DNA and RNA per larva increases proportionally to the wet weight from stage 1 to the post-larva. As the weight is multiplied by 7.6, total DNA and total RNA are multiplied by 3.80 and 4.25 respectively. The RNA/DNA ratio has a mean value of 0.77; it increases slightly from stage 1 (0.72) to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calliphora; Crangon crangon; Palaemon serratus; Nucleic acids; Larval development; Invertebrate larvae; Biochemistry; Physiology.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Experiences sur l'acclimatation de la langouste du cap (Jasus Lalandei Milne-Edwards 1837) dans les eaux de la cote atlantique française ArchiMer
Audouin, Jacques; Campillo, Albert; Fouilland, Robert; Gueguen, Tanguy.
We know that in France, lobster fishing is experiencing a crisis due to excessive exploitation of all productive sites. To try to re-establish some balance, the Scientific and Technical Institute of Maritime Fisheries has contemplated acclimatizing a particularly hardy and fertile lobster that would be likely to offset the thinning of the indigenous lobster stock. It is a southern lobster, Jasus lalandei MILNE-EDWARDS 1837 that inhabits the Atlantic coasts of South Africa. To that end, we have, for more than two years, performed systematic breeding of this crustacean in aquariums in order to understand its resistance to environmental variations and to observe its ability to adapt in French waters. It is the results of this series of experiments done at the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1969 URL:
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Influence du taux de proteines sur la croissance ponderale de Palaemon serratus (Pennant) elevee au laboratoire ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Luquet, P..
The quantitiative requirements for protein have been determined in P. serratus reared from the post-larval stage to the 4th month. It appears that the apparent optimum percentage of protein in the diet is a minimum of 60%. At the 8th month, the mean wt of prawn reared with the best artificial diet (diet IV) is only 49% of the wt of shrimp reared with the digestive gland of Patella as a diet. The prawns reared to 4th month on a low-protein diet then reared on a natural diet until the 8th month, show important compensatory growth. However, the prawns do not achieve the wt of the control population, their average wt representing only 16% of the controls.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crangon crangon; Penaeus japonicus; Homarus vulgaris; Palaemon serratus; Nutritional requirements; Growth; Proteins; Artificial feeding; Crustacean culture; Laboratory culture; Rearing.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Les cantonnements à crustacés des cotes françaises de l'atlantique et de la manche ArchiMer
Audouin, Jacques; Campillo, Albert; Leglise, Michel.
In order to protect the lobster and crayfish stock, the following restricted areas have been created off the French coasts [...] Some roed females (lobster and crayfish) have been immersed in these protected areas with the financial help of the Revival Scheme of the Marine Fisheries. The Scientific and Technical Institute of Marine Fisheries (Roscoff laboratory) has carried out the individual marking, measuring and weighing of the crustaceans selected for the repopulation and took part in the immersing the spawners in the following protected areas [...] During the recaptures, the markings collected from the fishermen by the marine authorities have been forwarded to the Roscoff laboratory. Thanks to the gathered data, we have been able to draw a number of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1971 URL:
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Les pêcheries françaises de Méditerranée. Synthèse des connaissances ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert.
This document presents information about the bottom nature and hydrodynamic features of the coast off French Mediterranean sea. The economic importance of fisheries concerning divers areas and different aspects of the fleet dynamics are also tachled. The background of this study is the knowledge of the principal marine species exploited in the area (60 species of fish, 5 of shellfish, 8 of mollusca, one of echinoderma and one of Octocorallia). The species index includes biological information and exploitation date. A reference list is proposed for each species.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Économie; Flotille; Biologie; Abondance relative; Distribution; Exploitation; Amenagement; Economy; Fleet; Biology relative; Abundance; Distribution; Exploitation; Management.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Les pêcheries françaises de Méditerranée. Synthèse des connaissances ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert.
This document presents information about the bottom nature and hydrodynamic features of the coast off French Mediterranean sea. The economic importance of fisheries concerning divers areas and different aspects of the fleet dynamics are also tachled. The background of this study is the knowledge of the principal marine species exploited in the area (60 species of fish, 5 of shellfish, 8 of mollusca, one of echinoderma and one of Octocorallia). The species index includes biological information and exploitation date. A reference list is proposed for each species.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Aménagement; Exploitation; Distribution; Abondance relative; Biologie; Flottille; Economie; Management; Exploitation; Distribution; Abundance; Biology relative; Fleet; Economy.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Observation en Mediterranee de la microsporidie Ameson (Nosema) nelsoni (Sprague, 1950), un parasite de la crevette Parapenaeus longirostris Lucas. ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Comps, Michel.
Ameson (Nosema) nelsoni, a microsporidian originally described from North-American shrimps has been observed as a parasite of P.longirostris in the Mediterranean.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Parapenaeus longirostris; Ameson (Nosema) nelsoni; New records; Parasites.
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Observations sur l'état des stocks démersaux des accores du golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Dremiere, Pierre-yves.
The areas of the continental shelf neighbouring the valleys and deep sectors of the slope of the gulf of Lion, are hardly or not at all exploited by the French fleet, especially in its central and eastern part, for multiple reasons: distance from the coast, high fuel expenses, meeting the times set, complexity of the canyons' and their surroundings' morphology, mistral wind frequently blowing. This study aims to define the fisheries located on the flexure and the slope on the three following areas: east of Port-Vendres, south of Sète, south of the gulf of Fos, in order to compare their status, as far as performances and the composition, in size, of the most represented species are concerned.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Observations ultrastructurales sur Ameson nelsoni (Sprague, 1950) microsporidie parasite de la crevette Parapenaeus longirostris Lucas. Consequences taxonomiques. ArchiMer
Loubes, Claude; Maurand, Jean; Comps, Michel; Campillo, Albert.
The sporogony of A. nelsoni is of the apansporoblastic type. Diplocaryons always occur during merogony, never occur during sporogony. Sporoblasts are produced by fission of a multinucleate and elongated plasmodium. Spore morphogenesis begins before the end of the end of the sporoblasts individualization. The polaroplast has a very dense outer area. The genus Ameson is very much like genus Perezia and both are badly classified respectively in the families Nosematidae and Unikaryonidae. The creation of the new family Pereziidae is proposed for both genera.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; Ameson nelsoni; Speciation; Taxonomy.
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Premieres donnees biologiques sur la langouste de Corse, Palinurus elephas Fabricius. ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Amadei, Jacques.
Fishing for the red spiny lobster constitutes an important part of the artisanal fishery in Corsica. A biological study of the red spiny lobster was undertaken (fishing gear used, production and yield, biological data, relative growth, reproduction, growth, alimentary diet, bathymetric repartition).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Corsica MED; France Palinurus elephas Fishery data.
Ano: 1978 URL:
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Prospection aux filets trémails de la bordure du talus du golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Campillo, Albert; Mornet, Roland.
Jusqu'aux fonds de 100 m, le plateau continental du golfe du Lion présente une pente régulière et douce très propice au chalutage. Au-delà, son relief devient accidenté, souvent accore, pour être entaillé de vallées profondes dénommées "rechs".
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Une virose de l'huître portugaise (Crassostea angulata LMK) ArchiMer
Comps, Michel; Bonami, Jean-robert; Vago, Constantin; Campillo, Albert.
A viral infection has been observed in the Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata during the massive mortalities of 1970-1973. A new type of virus and the viral morphogenesis are described. It is the first virus observed in oysters and linked to an epizooty in this mollusc of great economic importance.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Infection virale; Crassostrea angulata; Huître; Virologie.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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