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Tillage as a driver of change in weed communities: a functional perspective Organic Eprints
Armengot, L.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Bàrberi, P.; Bocci, G.; Carlesi, S.; Aendekerk, R.; Berner, A.; Celette, F.; Grosse, M.; Huiting, H.; Kranzler, A.; Luik, A.; Mäder, P.; Peigné, J.; Stoll, E.; Delfosse, P.; Sukkel, W.; Surböck, A.; Westaway, S.; Sans, F.X..
The adoption of non-inversion tillage practices has been widely promoted due to their potential benefits in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse emissions as well as improving soil fertility. However, the lack of soil inversion usually increases weed infestations and changes the composition of the weed community. Weed management is still a main drawback for the wider adoption of reduced tillage practices. However, it is not entirely clear whether these changes in weed communities are a consequence of non random filters on the functional attributes of weed species and may thus affect the potential weed-crop competition relationship. Here, we analyse the changes in weed diversity, community composition, and the functional attributes of weed...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Soil tillage; Soil.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Linking species traits to agroecosystem services: a functional analysis of weed communities Organic Eprints
Bàrberi, P.; Bocci, G.; Carlesi, S.; Armengot, L.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Sans, F. X..
There is a growing interest in the use of functional approaches for the study of weed assemblages, to disentangle underlying processes determining their composition and dynamics. Functional approaches are based on the assumption that weed community composition and dynamics can be best explained by a set of species traits expressing their response to agricultural disturbance. This knowledge should help develop more sustainable, ecologically based weed management systems. Trait‐based data required for this kind of analysis are available from various sources, but most of them either cover mainly non‐weedy species or, in the case of weed‐focussed trait databases, they cover a limited number of species. In this work, we present a trait database for 240 weed...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Soil tillage; Research methodology and philosophy; Weed management.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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