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Types of fluid-related features controlled by sedimentary cycles and fault network in deepwater Nigeria ArchiMer
Marsset, Tania; Ruffine, Livio; Ker, Stephan; Cauquil, E.; Gay, Aurelien.
The seismic characteristics of focused fluid-related features such as pockmarks and carbonate build-ups on the Nigerian continental slope have been investigated using complementary seismic data sets (reprocessed 3D exploration data and 2D Very High Resolution hull-mounted and near-bottom seismic data) coupled with the results of previous studies (sedimentological, geotechnical and geochemical analyses). The results show different types of fluid-related features within the hemipelagic phase of long duration (∼1 Myr) Turbidite/Hemipelagic cycles. They are the product of the disturbance of the hosting sediments following two main distinct processes: (1) no or low sediment deposition caused by fluid escape associated with seafloor settlement (benthic fauna,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Niger delta; Fluid flow; Pockmark; Gas hydrates; Methane-derived carbonate; Fault network; Sedimentary cycles.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The pianosa contourite depositional system (northern Tyrrhenian sea): drift morphology and plio-quaternary stratigraphic evolution ArchiMer
Miramontes Garcia, Elda; Cattaneo, Antonio; Jouet, Gwenael; Thereau, Estelle; Thomas, Yannick; Rovere, Mickael; Cauquil, E.; Trincardi, F..
The Pianosa Contourite Depositional System (CDS) is located in the Corsica Trough (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea), a confined basin dominated by mass transport and contour currents in the eastern flank and by turbidity currents in the western flank. The morphologic and stratigraphic characterisation of the Pianosa CDS is based on multibeam bathymetry, seismic reflection data (multi-channel high resolution mini GI gun, single-channel sparker and CHIRP), sediment cores and ADCP data. The Pianosa CDS is located at shallow to intermediate water depths (170 to 850 m water depth) and is formed under the influence of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW). It is 120 km long, has a maximum width of 10 km and is composed of different types of muddy sediment drifts:...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment drift; Bottom current; Levantine Intermediate Water; Modified Atlantic Water; Mediterranean Sea; Sea level.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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