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COSELMAR. Compréhension des socio-écosystèmes littoraux et marins pour la prévention et la gestion des risques. Bilan scientifique 2013-2017 5
Pardo, Sophie; Hess, Philipp; Simon, Elodie; Barille, Laurent; Geslin, Emmanuelle; Cognie, Bruno; Martin-jezequel, Véronique; Sechet, Véronique; Herrenknecht, Christine; Baron, Regis; Bourseau, Patrick; Amzil, Zouher; Masse, Anthony; Vandanjon, Laurent; Dumay, Justine; Lebeau, Thierry; Turpin, Vincent; Mondeguer, Florence; Petitgas, Pierre; Trouillet, Brice; Mercier, Denis; Guillotreau, Patrice; Guineberteau, Thierry; Mahevas, Stephanie; Schoefs, Franck; Sophie Pardo; Philipp Hess; Pauline Borgniet; Laurent Barillé; Emmanuelle Geslin; Bruno Cognie; Véronique Martin-Jezequel; Véronique Sechet; Christine Herrenknecht; Régis Baron; Patrick Bourseau; Zouher Amzil; Anthony Massé; Laurent Vandanjon; Justine Dumay; Thierry Lebeau; Vincent Turpin; Florence Mondeguer; Pierre Petitgas; Brice Trouillet.
COSELMAR, a 4-year project financed by the Région des Pays de la Loire at 2.1 M€, officially started on the 7th January 2013. The project is coordinated by Philipp Hess (IFREMER) and Sophie Pardo (Université de Nantes-LEMNA) and falls under the Federation for Research Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral (IUML, FR CNRS 3473)*. COSELMAR has also been approved by the Scientific Council of the MSH Ange Guépin. COSELMAR is a research project uniting 5 research units of IFREMER and 11 laboratories of the Université de Nantes, along with academic partners, and national and international industries. The aim is to achieve a better understanding of the marine and coastal ecosystems and the associated resources. The project will also provide insights into risk...
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