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Modelization of the regulation of protein synthesis following fertilization in sea urchin shows requirement of two processes: a destabilization of elF4E:4E-BP complex and a great stimulation of the 4E-BP-degradation mechanism, both rapamycin-sensitive 5
Laurent, Sebastien; Richard, Adrien; Mulner-lorillon, Odile; Morales, Julia; Flament, Didier; Glippa, Virginie; Bourdon, Jeremie; Gosselin, Pauline; Siegel, Anne; Cormier, Patrick; Belle, Robert.
Fertilization of sea urchin eggs involves an increase in protein synthesis associated with a decrease in the amount of the translation initiation inhibitor 4E-BP A highly simple reaction model for the regulation of protein synthesis was built and was used to simulate the physiological changes in the total 4E-BP amount observed during time after fertilization. Our study evidenced that two changes occurring at fertilization are necessary to fit with experimental data. The first change was an 8-fold increase in the dissociation parameter (koffi) of the elF4E:4E-BP complex. The second was an important 32.5-fold activation of the degradation mechanism of the protein 4E-BP Additionally, the changes in both processes should occur in 5 min time interval...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Translational control; Sea urchin embryos; Mechanisms of fertilization; Deterministic model; Translation simulation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Harmful or harmless: biological effects of marennine on marine organisms 5
Falaise, Charlotte; Cormier, Patrick; Tremblay, Réjean; Audet, Céline; Deschênes, Jean-sébastien; Turcotte, François; François, Cyrille; Seger, Andreas; Hallegraeff, Gustaaf; Lindquist, Niels; Sirjacobs, Damien; Gobert, Sylvie; Lejeune, Pierre; Demoulin, Vincent; Mouget, Jean-luc.
Marennine is a water-soluble blue-green pigment produced by the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia. The diatom and its pigment are well known from oyster farming areas as the source of the greening of oyster gills, a natural process increasing their market value in Western France. Blooms of blue Haslea are also present outside oyster ponds and hence marine organisms can be exposed, periodically and locally, to significant amounts of marennine in natural environments. Due to its demonstrated antibacterial activities against marine pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Vibrio) and possible prophylactic effects toward bivalve larvae, marennine is of special interest for the aquaculture industry, especially bivalve hatcheries. The present study aimed to provide new insights...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diatom; Haslea ostrearia; Marennine; Marine organisms; Natural bioactive compound.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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