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Holocene long- and short-term climate changes off Adelie Land, East Antarctica 5
Crosta, X.; Debret, M.; Denis, D.; Courty, M. A.; Ther, O..
Diatom data from a marine sediment core give insight on Holocene changes in sea- surface conditions and climate at high southern latitudes off Adelie Land, East Antarctica. The early to mid- Holocene was warmer than the late Holocene with a transition at similar to 4000 calendar years B. P. Sea ice was less present and spring- summer growing season was greater during the warm period relative to the cold one, thus limiting sea ice diatom production and favoring more open ocean diatom to develop. The long- term Holocene climatic evolution in East Antarctica is explained by a combination of a delayed response to local seasonal insolation changes coupled to the long memory of the Southern Ocean. Abrupt variations of the diatom relative abundances, indicating...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antarctica; Sea ice; Holocene; Insolation; Thermohaline circulation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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