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Deep silicon maxima in the stratified oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Crombet, Y.; Leblanc, K.; Queguiner, B.; Moutin, T.; Rimmelin, P.; Ras, J.; Claustre, H.; Leblond, N.; Oriol, L.; Pujo-pay, M..
The silicon biogeochemical cycle has been studied in the Mediterranean Sea during late summer/early autumn 1999 and summer 2008. The distribution of nutrients, particulate carbon and silicon, fucoxanthin (Fuco), and total chlorophyll-a (TChl-a) were investigated along an eastward gradient of oligotrophy during two cruises (PROSOPE and BOUM) encompassing the entire Mediterranean Sea during the stratified period. At both seasons, surface waters were depleted in nutrients and the nutriclines gradually deepened towards the East, the phosphacline being the deepest in the easternmost Levantine basin. Following the nutriclines, parallel deep maxima of biogenic silica (DSM), fucoxanthin (DFM) and TChl-a (DCM) were evidenced during both seasons with maximal...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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