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Lithospheric structuration onshore-offshore of the Sergipe-Alagoas passive margin, NE Brazil, based on wide-angle seismic data 5
Pinheiro, Joao Marcelo; Schnurle, Philippe; Evain, Mikael; Afilhado, A.; Gallais, Flora; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Loureiro, Afonso; Fuck, R.; Soares, J.; Cupertino, J. A.; Viana, A.; Rabineau, Marina; Baltzer, Agnes; Benabdellouahed, Massinissa; Dias, N.; Moulin, Maryline; Aslanian, Daniel; Morvan, Laetitia; Maze, Jean-pierre; Pierre, Delphine; Pitel-roudaut, Mathilde; Rio, I; Alves, D.; Barros Junior, P.; Biari, Youssef; Corela, C.; Crozon, Jacques; Duarte, J. L.; Ducatel, Cecile; Falcao, C.; Fernagu, Philippe; Le Piver, David; Mokeddem, Zohra; Pelleau, Pascal; Rigoti, C.; Roest, Walter; Roudaut, Mickael.
The structure and nature of the crust underlying the Camamu-Almada-Jequitinhonha-Sergipe-Alagoas basins System, in the NE Brazilian margin, were investigated based on the interpretation of 12 wide-angle seismic profiles acquired during the SALSA (Sergipe ALagoas Seismic Acquisition) experiment in 2014. In this work, we present two 220-km-long NW-SE combined wide-angle and reflection seismic profiles, SL 01 and SL 02, that have been acquired using 15 ocean-bottom-seismometers along each profile, offshore the southern part of the Sergipe Alagoas Basin (SAB), north of the Vaza-Barris Transfer zone. The SL 02 has a 150-km long inland continuation with 20 land-seismic-stations until the Sergipano Fold Belt (SFB). Wide-angle seismic forward modeling allows us to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South Atlantic ocean; NE Brazil; Sergipe-Alagoas basin; Passive margins; Wide-angle refraction seismics; Crustal structure; Tectonic inheritance.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The 2010 Haiti earthquake: A complex fault pattern constrained by seismologic and tectonic observations 5
De Lepinay, Bernard Mercier; Deschamps, Anne; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Mazabraud, Yves; Delouis, Bertrand; Clouard, Valerie; Hello, Yann; Crozon, Jacques; Marcaillou, Boris; Graindorge, David; Vallee, Martin; Perrot, Julie; Bouin, Marie-paule; Saurel, Jean-marie; Charvis, Philippe; St-louis, Mildor.
After the January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake, we deployed a mainly offshore temporary network of seismologic stations around the damaged area. The distribution of the recorded aftershocks, together with morphotectonic observations and mainshock analysis, allow us to constrain a complex fault pattern in the area. Almost all of the aftershocks have a N-S compressive mechanism, and not the expected left-lateral strike-slip mechanism. A first-order slip model of the mainshock shows a N264 degrees E north-dipping plane, with a major left-lateral component and a strong reverse component. As the aftershock distribution is sub-parallel and close to the Enriquillo fault, we assume that although the cause of the catastrophe was not a rupture along the Enriquillo...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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